Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well it is that time of year again. Lots of presents, lots of food, lots of drinking... but I am happy to say that I'm barely partaking in any of it. I have a ridiculous confession to make. We workout out on Christmas Day. How sad are we?! Hey I only have... checking countdown calendar... 7 days until we are off to Punta Cana. I will not be anywhere near the weight I wanted but there is really nothing I can do know but keep focused on not gaining weight until then.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season.

I hope everyone has made plans for New Years Eve. I asked Mr. Spaghettibender what he wanted to do this year. He wanted to spend it with his family. Which I was okay with. Because when we make plans with my best friend things always fall through and it ends up just being the 4 of us. Which I don't mind but I wanted a bit more of a gathering this year. Well now I am longing for the idea of being with my best friend for New Years. So I call her to see if they have made any plans, well they have there is like 10 people coming over to their house. So now I'm jealous and I really want to go. She asked what we're doing and I say that I'm not sure since Mr Spaghettibender is not feeling the whole family New Years this year. I was kinda hoping she would invite us over - silence. Now I'm a bit disappointed and kinda bummed about spending New Years with Mr. Spaghettibenders family. I assume since she didn't invite us to come over that she doesn't want us there. I know she was feeling like there was a lot of people already going over so I'm sure that is why she didn't ask or she is trying to prove a point because we didn't want to get together with them.

Whatever I will try and have a good time either way. That night I WILL drink... but I'll workout more before hand = )

Friday, December 21, 2007

I am legend

Yep, I got dragged to see I am Legend with Will Smith. Now normally I like Will Smith movies but I'm just not into zombie... sorry they aren't zombie's as Mr. Spaghettibender wants to remind me... they are mutated humans. So anyways I didn't want to see a movie with mutated Humans trying to eat Will Smith but what do I know.

So Mr. Spaghettibender drags me to the movie saying it is going to be good, you'll see. Yeah, it sucked! He still holds his ground saying it was good but honestly - it sucked! Why on gawds green earth do I have to watch crappy movies with my husband. Don't get me wrong I love watching movies and it does happen that I can pick some pretty bad ones but honestly what movie with zombies or mutated humans has even been done well.

So in retaliation I am dragging him to see National Treasure : Book of Secrets after work tonight. Lets hope this one isn't a dud or I won't hear the end of it.

Still no gifts!

What the hell am I thinking. I still haven't bought gifts for Christmas. I still don't have any stocking stuffers... I am not looking forward to shopping this weekend.

But I am looking forward to going out with my old friend T tonight. He is currently living in Brazil and I only get to see him around Christmas time. Usually he just stops by unannounced and we have plans and don't get to chat much but this time I asked a head of time and yeah we are getting together. Mr. Spaghettibender has poker tonight and T wanted me to make sure it was okay than we go out together. What? I'm sorry do I have to ask my husband if I can go out with an old friend? I was a little confused when he asked.

Since T is hard to set plans in stone with, I haven't even told Mr. Spaghettibender that I am going out with him. Is this wrong of me?

I am so excited. Now lets just hope that T doesn't cancel on me ... or else I might have to go Christmas shopping - yikes!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Today is Mr. Spaghettibenders final exam... woohoo! I might actually get my husband back... sorta. He has already planned several 'guys only' events before he goes back to school in January. But here's hoping that somewhere in there I might finally get some time alone with him. Like Today. I have the afternoon off and I'm going to spoil him rotten. Let just say there is a pair of fishnet stockings involved!

What kind of wife would I be if I didn't indulge his fantasies! = )

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What bird is this?

We saw this huge shadow in our house so we went to look out the window and this huge bird was munching on a Morning Dove. I hate Morning Doves so I was very impressed by this bird. My only question - what type of bird is this?

Getting back into shape

We are going on vacation with some friends for a Wedding in 18 days. And I have to admit I don't think I have been so worried about my physic as much as I am now. I have actually thought about not drinking just to save on the calories... yes something is definitely wrong!

Now I biked all summer and workout almost everyday but I wasn't really losing weight. Now that there is snow on the ground I thought I would be gaining some weight. I am still working out but I'm running instead of biking - doesn't seem to burn as many calories. And it is colder outside so I'm spending more time inside watching TV or socializing and smoozing with friends. Not exactly the plan I need to loss weight for our vacation. But here I am with my pants falling off my ass and I don't think my body looks any different. WTF! How do these girls do it. How do they look so tiny with their little size 2 pants.
I run on the treadmill, I watch what I eat, I do weights if all of this gets me nowhere then what is the point of working out so hard?
I know it silly to care about looking good for our vacation - these are my friends and they are not judging me passed on my %fat... but I think they are. Girls are mean and harsh. Even ones that say they are your friends. So here's to hoping I can loss as much weight as possible between now and then... even if I have to cut back on the holiday cheer. Yeah, we'll see how that works out.

Friday, December 14, 2007

what is wrong with me

Honestly I think I am having a mid-life crisis. At my current job I have a student who comes in about twice a week to work on his master project... and I find myself flirting with him. What the hell is wrong with me. First off I'm married. Second he is 10yrs younger than me. WTF am I thinking.
I honestly feel like a deprived husband who is looking for some attention from outside my marriage. Not that I would ever let anything happen. But then why do I flirt. Is it just to see if this old cougar has it ... I have no idea.

I admit that he looks older and I look younger but I AM MARRIED!

Maybe we should go to couples counselling... or maybe a swingers club... okay now I'm just being ridiculous. Must be the wine I had at lunch.
Is it time to go home yet?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Samosa Party!!!

Today at work is our annual Samosa Party. It is kinda a prelude to our Christmas Party except it is at work. This year I convinced a colleague to bring in her Wii... let me tell you we had a blast. I'm sure the alcohol didn't hurt either. = )
My arms are so tired from boxing. I KO'd in round 3 both times. The men are going down!
Unfortunately the room we had was only booked until 2pm so we had to cut our fun short = ( Now I'm all wired and back at work - WTF! I should be on my way home but I have no idea where Mr. Spaghettibender is. These are the days I wish we had a cellphone.
Is it really that strange that we don't have one?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let take a poll.

Is it moustache or mustache?
This has just come to my attention that I spell it moustache and another one of my friends spells it mustache. I looked it up on and both spellings seem right. But know it got me thinking - what is most common?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm cheating

Well in my dreams. I am not one to have dreams that often but let me tell you lately I am having vivid dreams about other men that I know. In my dreams I am not married but there is always something holding me back from attacking my prey. In my dreams I am very flirtatious and it is very obvious that I want these men. It is making it really awkward for when I really do see these guys. What is going on with me, these dreams are kinda freaking me out.

It started me thinking, are we suppose to be with one person sexually for the rest of our lives? Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and he is good in bed. But I was always rather horny and loved the thrill of the chase. Not exactly what you have to do when you are married.

I told one of my girlfriends about what has been happening and she told me maybe I should think about role playing. Hum, I wonder if this would help stop the fantasies. Now I have pictures of fireman and policeman flashing through my head... oh, to daydream.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stay away from unclaimed green M&M's

On Saturday night at the 70s groove party we were sitting around playing twister while passing around a bowl of Christmas M&M's. Then Mr. Spaghettibender dropped one on the floor in which my friends dog immediately dove for and lick before Mr. SB took it away and placed it on the coffee table.
Skip forward about a half hour. We're still sitting on the sofa when my friend M who is sitting beside me says... "hey you know that green M&M on the coffee table..." before he even finishes the sentence I look at the coffee table ... my heart skips a beat because - IT"S GONE! I look at M and say "You mean the one that fell on the floor and the dog licked?". He says "I knew I should have asked why it was on the coffee table before I ate it". I almost pissed myself laughing. Still right now it make me laugh. He continued to tell me he thought it tasted furry. Honestly I didn't stop laughing for 5minutes.

I will never again look at green M&M's the same way.
Where does the weekend go. I was pretty good this weekend. Not too much overindulgence. I even managed a workout on Saturday. Last night however I was way too lazy. I am kicking myself for it now. I only have 26 more days to go and only 12lbs to go... yeah right 12lbs in 26 days. That is like 0.5lbs a day. Am I on the biggest loser working out 4hrs a day - no! So more reasonable is 2lbs a week times 3 weeks is 6lbs. Is that doable - hell ya for a normal human being that has some will power over the holidays. But that ain't me.

The 70s groove party was good this weekend. I was a little disappointed with the decorations - there were none but they did have 70s music and some old school arcade games. Takes ya back.
Here is our costumes

The dress wasn't all that flattering on my figure but when I realized I would have to put in a zipper to be able to take it in I said F&ck it and left it alone. Don't you love Mr. Spaghettibender moustache? Later on that night we ended up with a series of photos of the moustache as eyebrows. What we do for fun.

Today definitely feels like Monday. I am dragging my ass and I'm cold. Sounds like a perfect excuse for a coffee.

Friday, December 7, 2007

No Christmas spirit

Normally I am all over Christmas. I have my decorations ready to go as soon as Dec1st hits. Mr. Spaghettibender won't let me put them up before that. I have my Christmas cards ready to be mailed and I am playing Christmas music and frolicking around... okay maybe that's a bit of an overstatement but you get the drift. I love Christmas. I plan a big Christmas party for my family, some people live a bit out of town and we don't get to see everyone that much anymore. I buy lots of gift and I plan a few get-together's.

But this year ... nothing. I have no decorations up, I have no gifts bought, I didn't even crack the seal on the the Christmas card box. I am pathetic. I have tried listening to Christmas music to get in the mood- but nothin'! I'm starting to wonder if my heart has shrunk three sizes this year??

I don't know what it is about this year. I must admit I have become tired of the effort I put into our social events and the lack of enthusiasm from everyone involved. It is a lot of work and money to have these gatherings and I find my family and our friends just don't seem to appreciate it. So this year I said that I wasn't doing it. Which turns out is fine because we are still really busy with other parties every weekend. But for every party I ask if I can help out and tell them I will bring something like dessert or appetizers. Just one thing to take off the host/hostesses list of things to do. I even bring a little something just them to say thank you for the lovely party and all the effort it took to plan. Why the hell do I do this? Nobody does this for me. Then my mind starts to swirl with anger and resentment. And again the grinchyness (I love making up words) of it all starts to rear it ugly head.

How on earth do I get back the Christmas spirit?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I love my job

On my lunch hour, me and a fellow colleague designed a template for my hat and boot covers for my costume on Saturday. I finally had to go with a go-go girl, kinda like this

I found the perfect pink tweed dress at Value Village yesterday. Now tomorrow I'm going to bring in the white fabric and sew them on my lunch hour. So much nicer than wasting my precious evenings on these things.

Gotta luv the job!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why is there so much running around in circles?

Supposedly as soon as a started working here I was suppose to get a medical clearance. Well every year work sends me for a medical so I must have medical clearance. Yet do you think I can get anyone to provide me with the documentation for me new job. No!

It isn't up to my new employer to get the information and my old employer says there is no form for medical clearance. So here I am running around in a circle trying to figure out who is right and how to provide these people with the forms so I finally accept my new job.

Come on people momma needs a new pair of shoes!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What the F$ck!

I am sick AGAIN! I wasted an entire weekend and a day off whining and complaining because I was sick yet again. I finally had a weekend that I didn't have to do anything except the actually things I wanted to do for myself and nothing. Absolutely nothing got done. No costume for this weekends party. No Christmas decorations hung. No gifts for Mr. Spaghettibenders last day of exams - NOTHING DONE!

Now I have only 5 days to come up with a 1977 inspired costume. So I was thinking either white go-go boots and short micro mini dress

or maybe a princess Leia since Star wars came out in 1977

Oh, I don't have the time to do this. Was Charlie's Angels out yet? Maybe I should look into that.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Start of a great week

I was up on time, ready on time, out the door on time. What a great start to the week.

I might as well get this out of the way now so I never have to talk about it again. Last week I had two exams... well competitions for jobs at a higher level. The first one on Tuesday was for my current job. It went well - I scored a 96.6% so I am just waiting for my letter of offer. The second one was on Friday and it was for my old job. It was a killer. It was so practical that I never studied that way. So everything that I take for granted as second nature wasn't. I got overwhelmed and I believe I have to right to say "crashed and burned". Here I was afraid to look stupid to my old boss and I managed to do just that. If I try and look on the bright side, at least I got the first job = )

Do you ever notice how when one thing in your life starts to go well the other goes down the hill. Finally I am making headway on the career front which inevitably means that the home front is crumbling. I just don't know how to get through to my husband that he needs to step it up with the whole "I love you and want to make you happy" events that make a couple a couple. He has never been a very romantic guy. Even his idea of foreplay is asking me if I want to have sex or "spend time together". Trying to encourage our creative side I have bought books like 101 grrreat nights of sex , 101 grrreat nights of romance and a his/hers book of romantic ideas. I thought this might spark some stuff over the years ... I was wrong. At first he used the 101 great nights of sex but they were getting very similar. So when I bought the his/hers book of romantic ideas I thought he might be able to use it for inspiration. Nope, he thought the ideas were cheesy. And I don't think he has even cracked the book 101 grrreat nights of romance.

I am truly getting frustrated, I am trying to get him involved but nothing. He keeps telling me that I'm doing nothing. But if you look back on our life together you see I have made so many efforts and I'm tired of it. I am almost picketing any further romance from me until he shows some effort in this department.

I mean most men would make more of an effort to at least have sex. Not him. He won't even suck it up so that we can have sex. WTF is with that. Some candles, a back rub ... something he knows will lead to the bedroom - nothing, nada! I think cobwebs are going to start forming.

What am I suppose to do? I am really starting to believe he just isn't interested in me anymore. Maybe it is true what they say... marriage kills a relationship. Happy 12th anniversary Mr. Spaghettibender.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Two Exams this week

All weekend I avoided studying, yesterday was an exceptionally depiction of aversion. I cleaned the spare bedroom and then reorganized the Halloween decorations. I hand washed the shower curtain. I worked out extra long. I made dinner, cleaned and put away all the dishes.... yep I was clearly in no mood to memorize or retain information.

Countdown to exam number 1 in 't' minus 1hr and 45mins. = {

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Not exactly...

... the weekend I had hoped for. I fought up barfing all Friday night and I thought I could hold it off at the shower on Saturday night - I was wrong. I wanted to be there so much to help out and celebrate with the bride-to-be but it was pretty obvious I needed to go home.

So since the crows were leaving - as expected. If only winning money was so easy. So they said they would drive me home. I brought along a barf bag just in case I was getting sick in the car and we couldn't pull over. That was the longest ride home. Not because I was extremely nauseous but because I wanted to smother the crows with my barf bag. They had to complain about everything. There was no happy thoughts for the bride-to-be. Before we left they talked about doing another Bachelorette party while we are down south for this Wedding. I'm sorry but I'm not on vacation to get away from my husband like they are... argh!

I am having a crappy day today. I didn't want to go to work, I stalled as long as possible this morning. I don't think that is a good sign. Maybe I'll go get a coffee and chocolate muffin to boost my energy and hopefully when I get back I'll have a cake on my desk saying Happy Retirement and my family will be gathered around saying we won the jackpot.

Wishful thinking = )

Friday, November 9, 2007

This weekends adventures.

So this weekend will have its adventures I'm sure.

Tonight is an Epicure party with a bunch of people I don't know - hopefully they will be really nice and friendly to the newbie to the group.

Tomorrow I have a Bridal shower followed by a Bachelorette party.

I can only imagine what that is going to be like. Some of the girls are complaining about the shower because it is for a Bride that is getting married down south. They keep going on about spending $2000 to be there for their wedding and not understanding why they need to fork out more $ for a shower.

I personally feel they are messed up. I mean when the couple announced they were getting married and they were thinking about doing it down south, everyone started to say they wanted to go. Well news break, you aren't just going for them. You are also going for the vacation, sun and surf. So you choose to go. Your $2000 isn't for them. It is for your own vacation as well. I don't think it would hurt you to show some gratitude towards the great friendship they have given you by shelling out a couple more $. WTF!

I just get so annoyed at some of these girls. They just don't get it. They are so consumed with their own world they don't care about all the effort others put in.

I am going and I'm going to make damn sure she has a great time.

... even if there is a wee too much drinking involved = )

7 things that make me cool

Okay I have to list 7 things that make me cool. Yeah, like this is easy for someone like me with only a smig of self confidence.

1. I have a Halloween party every year in which I go all out.
2. I have had some couples over for drinks and actually made a drink menu. (they still laugh about this one)
3. I absolutely love ziplines, you know you hook on a harness and clip onto a really long metal line and go zipping down it.
4. I was my husbands right hand for most of our house renovations - including reshingling our roof.
5. My friends are very important to me and I'll pretty much do anything for them
6. I love to talk
7. I love throwing themed parties for people and making sure it is an evening they would enjoy.

Friday, November 2, 2007

I'm jealous

I am really, truly, honestly jealous of my best friend. We have a similar story in our education and relationship yet she always gets what I want.

Lets start with job. We finished school at the same time. Within 6mths of each other we both started to work in our field - however we were both on contract. I became permanent first but within 6mths she had a term at a higher level and within 3years was two levels higher than me. mew! I am still struggling to get promoted.

Then their is relationship. We were both with our partners for 8yrs by the time they broke up because he wouldn't commit to anything. We had just bought a house so we had more of a commitment. Then they got back together. I got proposed to in front of a bunch of friends - which I always said I didn't want. And am still holding a lot of anger towards my only proposal being so effortless and special. She got this special very personal proposal that is where my jealousy first started.

Then her Bachelorette party - planned by me was exactly what I would have wanted but she for some unknown reason let one of the other bridesmaid plan mine. Mine sucked - hers rocked!

Next our Wedding Days. I wanted an outdoor wedding with something more intimate for 'us' to say our vows to each other. Somehow Mr. Spaghettibender gets it into his head that he wants it in a church. I have no idea what we were thinking. Well we did that with a horrible priest and said vows we didn't fully respect. My best friend ended up having their Wedding at the exact place we originally wanted and did their own personal vows. So jealous!

That leaves us with the Honeymoon - I always wanted to go to Greece. Well guess where they went - yep, Greece. We supposedly couldn't afford to go to Greece. Well we could have if we cut back on stuff from our Wedding Day. But we ended up in the Mayan Riviera in the middle of July in the sweltering heat. Not good at all. I would actually say it was a waste of money. So I just finished looking at some of their Honeymoon pics and I am so jealous. I wanted Honeymoon pics like that.

So I am trying really hard to think about the good things I have in my life but I have to tell you it is really hard. I mean I guess I didn't realize how much of those special sweet personal things between spouses/partners that I miss experiencing. I guess I didn't realize how much more I need from my partner to make me happy.

What is a woman to do?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It so over!

The Halloween party that is. I say this every year and I'm gonna say it again this year. I will not do another Halloween party next year. That it, that is all I am going to say.
A picture of my pumpkins

I am doing some more tonight. Why do I need to carve so many damn pumpkins each year. I know I like the praise from people thinking they are so amazing. = )

The house is still all dolled up with decor.
The giant skull on the left is the newest addition to our decor. Where the hell are we going to put it after this I have no idea.

So my costume looked okay. I must admit when I first put the blood on the dress it looked amazing. Then the next morning when it dried it look awful! I tried making the blood out of paint like we do with the hand prints on the counters - ya, didn't really turn out. Oh well, I still looked pretty good. Everyone kept asking who I was... a bloody person what the fcuk are you! I have to say that this year was the worst for costumes. I was pretty unimpressed by the uniqueness. I tell ya - we put in the effort and nobody else does!

So now I am looking forward to getting some Halloween candy and eating it all. Mrs. Spaghettibender has class until late tomorrow night so I will be decorating the lawn all by my lonesome. I would do it today but I am really afraid that people will steal our decorations.

Thankfully in two days it will all be over and I can move on to Christmas = )

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bad start

Bad start to an already busy day. I thought Mr. Spaghettibender was off today but nope he decided to start his volunteering today. Why on gods green earth would you start volunteering this week. We barely have 2 days to get ready for the Halloween party. Last night I said I wouldn't work out but I'd start decorating instead... he says to me "No, no - go workout and I'll start decorating". We'll after running on the treadmill for 30mins I came upstairs to use the washroom and he hadn't done anything and was on the phone. I then went back downstairs to finish my workout. When I came back up 30mins later - he was still on the phone. Thanks for the help. So off I went to finish some laundry ... when I came back he was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Okay so he is going to be no help but at least he is off tomorrow so he can decorate all day.

Fast forward to this morning when he comes into the bathroom while I'm brushing my teeth and hops into the shower. I ask him why he is up so early and he replies because he is volunteering at the school today - WTF! He never and I mean NEVER told me he was volunteering this week. I am so pissed off. I expected some decorating to be done today... now my night of carving pumpkins and getting my costume ready has turned into a night of decorating the house. I'm pissed!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Halloween is fastestly approaching...

So I am currently going through tons of downloaded music to make a CD for the Halloween Party. I feel really sorry for the people that work around me. They have to listen to my rap and dance music - which I'm pretty sure isn't their style. Currently playing - Ciara, goodies... the goodies stay in the jar! OH, oh! ... okay I'm not a great singer but you can't hear me can you.

I have been procrastinating this year. I haven't started decorating. I don't even have the decorations out of the boxes. I have a ton of baking to do. Here is some goodies = ) from last year.

There was cheesy eyeballs, witches fingers, brain and eyeball cupcakes, marshmallow ghosts and pumpkins. Missing is the brain and hand jello as well as all the pumpkins seeds... Since I usually carve about 10 pumpkins I put lots of pumpkin seeds around the house. Another hit last year was the caramel popcorn. I made something like 10 cups of popcorn and it filled 4 big bowl - cheap and effective! woo hoo! This year I'm going to make meringue bones, icing spiders and cobweb cookies.
I'm some how going to do all of this in 4 days.
WTF am I thinking!?! How the hell am I going to do all this baking and decorating let alone finish my costume. That reminds me I need something to spray blood on my dress... oh ya, I found a dress at the second hand store. It was $5.00 but there was a sale on Friday for 50% off so I went back - yep I paid $2.50 for a dress. I am very proud of myself.
I better start planning out my week so I can get everything done.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

need to learn

I really need to learn how to upload pictures. I have tried in the past but nothing has happened. I am not to familiar with all this online junk so this might take me a while to figure it out. I could possible ask someone how to do it but then they would know about my blog and the whole point of this blog is to talk about stuff I don't talk to other about.

So *sigh* I am left to my own devices to figure out this obstacle...

Let see if I can upload a picture of the Halloween costume I want.

I finally did it... now I have to go back and add some pics to my other posts. That should keep me busy for a while = )

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why can't I just shut my mouth

Every time I have a competition for my own job and other people are competing as well I tell them everything. Honestly how is telling someone else who is trying to win my job everything about my job helping me. I am such an idiot. I just spill everything about what I've been doing, how I do it, blah, blah, blah. Why am I so stupid. Shut up and stop telling them things that will help them score better than you - JUST SHUT UP!!!!

Although I have no motivation to study. Everything is just not analytical to me anymore. Why do you do this - cause the method says so. I don't have it in me to try and explain the chemical reasoning behind it. I just don't care anymore. It is true that once you spoil the ambition of an employee they start to slack... or I should say they just do what they must to get by. I just want someone to say "hey, you are a good employee, a hard working and you deserve a promotion and you shouldn't have to compete for it. Here is your reclassification" = ) Yeah, like that is going to happen this century!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bachelorette Party fun

I forgot to talk about the Bachelorette party I hosted for my best friend. After all the drama with one of the bridesmaids I wasn't too sure how it was going to turn out. Then with me being so sick with a cold right before I wasn't too sure if I would be ready for a night of drinking and socializing.

But it was always about the bride-to-be having the best time. My Bachelorette sucked and that was because nobody thought about what I wanted, just what was easier for them. I had games ideas if everyone was receptive to them and I had stuff for us to do at the bar if we were bored. I knew the group would dictate the fun.

So I made some phallic objects:

penis streamers

penis cheese dip

penis cake

I had Bachelorette streamers, signs and balloons. The whole place was decorated in black and hot pink. I had several games. One was a penis toss drinking game. Mr. Spaghettibender had a penis taped to his head for his Bachelor party which I used as a centerpiece for the toss game. The object of the game was to throw these jelly bracelets around the penis - if you missed you had to drink, if you ringed it you got to make someone else drink. The next game since everyone seemed to be having good time was 'who can suck' in which I put a pile of tiny marshmallows and everyone got a cup and a straw. You had to move as many marshmallows into your cup my sucking them with the straw. It was so funny because the bride-to-be started to choke and said she has sucked up one of the penis confetti that was on the table. We laughed so hard.

During the two games Mr. Spaghettibender had come home to pick up the car and he had climbed outside the front window and started to strip ... funny guy. When I saw him arriving I had given the girls a whole bunch of change to throw at him. So him preforming the striptease in the window was more ammunition for us. He came inside the house and we all started throwing pennies and nickels and yelling take it off... hee,hee,hee. He then made us a round of martini's. Yum! Amazing how a man can show up at a Bachelorette Party and we just keep enjoying ourselves and yet if that was the other way around the guys would have crucified the girl, or her boyfriend/husband.

Anyways, the final game was asking the bride-to-be questions that the groom-to-be had already answered. If she got them wrong she had to wear something. I had a bride-to-be sash, a veil covered in shiny penis's, a penis necklace shotglass, and a headband with pink flashing penis's. The game was so much fun the bride was definitely intoxicated by this point. The proof was when we asked her "what did the groom say was the wildest place you guys had sex"? He had answered "in your house with your cats watching" - obviously a joke... wait a minute maybe not... But she answered "N's washroom at her parents house" well N was there and she was shocked. I said no he didn't answer that, so she continued to come up with all these places. God, it was so much fun.

Then off we went to the bar with a bunch of Q card dares that I had made up. The other bridesmaid didn't think she would do them but I thought if she wants to we will if not we won't. She did almost all of them. Take a picture of the guys urinals. Pinch 10 guys butts. Kiss the next guy to walk in with a hat on... the list went on and on.

All I can say is she had a good time and that is all that I wanted. I think she will remember her Bachelorette as a great party in her honour. Those are the memories you want.

Friday, September 21, 2007

To leave or to stay

I started my new job on Monday. I was so excited to change divisions since mine didn't seem to care about my promotions and this one is know to appreciate your hard work. I have only heard good things about this division and I thought since I am only acting I could easily change my mind if I didn't like it.

Well I have been so annoyed this week I wanted to strangle everyone. The guy who is suppose to train me comes in really late and talks to all the other employees instead of training me. He is so unhygienic too. I have worked with him before but I never realized how sleazy he was until now. I work in a lab and he actually took methods off the computer so that when the next person started they would have been stuck to create their own... well that actually pretty close to illegal. Those are property of the lab. Anyways I has been like pulling teeth to get him to provide me with the information that should have been here already. My new boss doesn't even seem to care about this. Supposedly he hates confrontation so he just tells him to bring back the documents but does it in this non-threatening manner. Come on, grow a back bone and tell him that the lab productivity is lacking due to him taking important documents.

AHHhhhhh!!!!! Then my boss keeps trying to quiz me on anything related to my new job - okay enough! I get the point! I need to learn a lot to win the competition for my new job... now f-off! Sorry but he is starting to get under my skin. He just seems like my first boss, who I detested. I loved my last boss. She was so nice and easy going. She took vacation and did compressed work weeks... basically her life wasn't her job ... but in a way it was because most of the people she travelled with are her colleagues.

Anyway, I have to start thinking about staying or leaving. I have anywhere from 1mth to 4mths to decide depending on my competitions. This is going to be a very hard decision.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where does the time go?

I can't believe I haven't blogged since the end of August.

Let see what has happened since then. I had my mom's 50thbday bash at my house - total success. We didn't get our renovating done in time but I didn't care since everything was outside.

We then had my nephews 1st bday party. That pretty much consisted of a phone call from my BIL asking us to come over and help them get ready for the party which was starting at 2pm... it was 12 and we had just got out of the shower. Yikes! We did some of his errands and got to their place at 1:30pm and they were still making the cake and cupcakes. I helped decorate a bit, made cupcakes and then Mr. SB found out they had run out of propane. He says he'll run off to get some and of coarse my BIL says "I'll come with you". Mr. SB says "I think there is lots to do here and it doesn't take two of us to get propane". These people are so disorganized. This is Sunday afternoon how did you not get everything done the day before. I spent the rest of the day there doing loads and loads of dishes since the dishwasher was full and we couldn't put anything in it to help clean up.

So after the long weekend I get sick. REALLY sick! And although I am really sick I come into work anyways only to find out that I got the job. So I have two weeks until I start. So I had to tell my boss and prepare to leave. It was all very overwhelming - especially since I was REALLY sick.

That brings us to this past weekend in which I had a planned Bachelorette party at my house. God, I made some hilarious food. We and more importantly the Bride-to-be had a great time. That is all that matters. I will have to post the pics of the food but I'm not sure I know how to do that.

So here I am thinking this weekend can be a little slower with our only plans being a Baptism but then I forgot - it's my bday. So hopefully I will still have a relaxing weekend where I can recuperate and get better for the next weekend which is the Wedding I am in.

Phew, is this month over yet?!?!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So much work, so little time

Why do we start renovation hell when we have scheduled get-together at our house. We... scratch that Mr. Spaghettibender decide that we needed to finally put an archway into our livingroom and an opening into our diningroom. Well fast forward a couple of weeks and we are currently in drywall hell. This stuff gets into the air and spreads in dusty seed everywhere. I partially blame Mr. Sb because he didn't tape the room off but it honestly would have been hard to do. So now we are frantically trying to put everything back together by the long weekend - which is quickly striding towards us. Then on top of it he invites a friend and his new girlfriend over for this weekend. Do men think???

I did jump in and take the other job but then got reeled back in when they were told it wasn't going to be that easy. But my new boss is on holidays until next week so I can't do much about it.

This month is flying by. I was hoping to have some time with Mr. Spaghettibender before he head off to school but I doubt that is going to happen with our project list being longer than my arms. = (

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So confused and excited at the same time.

Late Friday afternoon before I was going to leave work a former colleague of mine offered me a job. Okay, he didn't offer me a job but his boss was interested in offering me a job. He told me that he had an assignment for a year in another building and they are looking for someone to replace him. They were interested in deploying me to his job at a higher level. Now I'm no fool. I know you can't deploy someone to a higher level you can only deploy at the same level. But then they said they could put me in an acting position at the higher level until they reclassify me to the higher level - what?!!!

My current boss can't even do that. I have been waiting for over 2yrs to be reclassified only to be told it can't happen. I have no idea what to do. This job is in a great division and they really try to keep people and show their appreciation for your hard work. But it will involve doing animal work - not exactly my cup of tea. But everything else about the job sounds great. I am still near my old colleagues - down the hall and our two division often have parties together.

I guess there really isn't anything else to do but jump in with both feet.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Friend or foe

So we are still teetering with the idea of leaving "the group" and going with a direct flight. Yes, some of our other friends that already jumped ship with no regrets but we are just too darn nice. We did however get a call from the groom and he mentioned 3 more people are going to be booking and that would give them the #s so we could leave. But in the same breath he said that if another couple that we know leave that would make them short on #s. So do we say screw it like some of our friends and let them deal with the #s or should we be good friends and suck it up?

Interesting how your body works

Since I have decided to go off the pill in March after 16yrs. I have got 3 periods. That right 3. And at least two of them I wouldn't even count as periods. Lets see how many months that is - 6. Well my body isn't happy with me.

I went to my doctor and do you know what she told me - I'm not worried as long as you get 4 a year. WHAT??!! I am a woman that wants to have kids in the next year and you think this is okay. She actually told me it will just be harder for me to conceive - duh! I'm sorry but is it that hard for you to just fill out a form and let me go for an ultrasound to make sure thing are alright? I swear my doctor hates to fill out form and send people for anything. I mean after 3yrs I finally asked if I could have some blood work done with my physicals just to make sure things are in the right range. I really need to change doctors.

Two of my girlfriends have the same doctor and they say the same thing about her. She doesn't like to send you for tests or to give you medication unless you cry for it. I think she is a little bit of a "natural" person - not exactly what I want in a doctor.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Horrible Blogger

I am a horrible blogger - I realize nobody reads my blog so there is nobody to complain when I don't update it in a month. But still I complain about other bloggers not updating so I should kick myself for not doing the same.

What has been keeping me busy since July 10th. Well the next day we got a phone call stating that my Aunt, who was battling cancer was loosing the fight. My mom and I went up to visit her in Renfrew. She seemed good. She didn't look all that great - very, very skinny. But she was coherent and she joked with me... not at all what I expect. So we left and came home about dinner time. I get a phone call at work the next morning and my mom is crying. So I say I'll bring her up to see my Aunt again since they didn't give her until the end of the day. Again, we get up there and she looks the same but she is still in the same good spirits???? We are puzzled. But supposedly her body is shutting down. So we stay up until about 9pm that night. I decided to take off the next day as well and go up with Mr. SB. He couldn't get over how tiny she was - just skin and bones. The fight continued through the weekend and just before we were going to head up on Monday she passed away. So sad - the wake was Tuesday and the funeral was Wednesday. I guess the family just wanted to try and get everything done so they could have some rest. I am glad she didn't suffer for long. I HATE CANCER!

On a happier note, I am now officially married to a freshman! Mr. SB is going to University this fall. I guess he won't actually be a freshman since they gave him credits for some of his college courses so he will only have to do 2yrs. Now the $$$ pinch begins.

Now we have an ongoing dilemma with the Wedding we were invited to in Punta Cana. See it seems what we thought would be a direct flight is not. We have to transfer in Toronto which at first is a little inconvenient until you hear that the day we leave Punta Cana we fly into T.O. at 2am and our flight to Ottawa leaves at 7am... WTF!!! So there is direct flights but we would have to bail on the group. Which some of our friends have done but us being so 'nice' - which never seems to work out for us. We contacted the Wedding couple and found out that they need a certain # of people to get a larger discount ... so do we screw with the #'s so they can give everyone a $60 discount or do we - as some of our friends have done just say screw it and book our own trip?!?! Oh the dilemma.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It feels like hump day

Mr. Spaghettibender hasn't heard back from the University on whether or not he got in for this fall. He is starting to get really worried but I am trying to calm him down and reassure him that if he doesn't get in this semester he can start next semester.

I tell ya I am very happy to be an only child. I get very annoyed at the idea that a sibling would decide on who can and can't come to my house for a get together. I have no idea why he doesn't tell his brother off. I want to do it on several occasions. We wanted to have a rather small get together at our house and the next thing you know his brother is telling him to invite so and so ... who's home is it!?! Of coarse Mr. Spaghettibender is polite and won't tell his brother off like I will. So hopefully everything will work out otherwise god knows what will happen with a little alcohol in me = )

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!

It has been 1 year! We made it. People always asked why after many, many, many years we decided to get married. I would have been married earlier if it was up to me - but it wasn't it was up to Mr. Spaghettibender. Since he is a procrastinator he waited and waited and waited until I pretty much told him it was getting ridiculous. So he finally proposed. Yeah!

We had already finished school, got jobs, lived together and bought a house - we couldn't really postpone it much longer unless we wanted to have kids before we got married. Nope he is Italian we are lucky to have gotten a way with living together. So now here we sit at our year anniversary with both of us in our early 30's wondering when do we have kids. Kinda a difficult question with Mr. Spaghettibender unemployeed and preparing to go to University in the fall. he is hoping to get an undergrad degree in arts done in 2 years (going right through summer of course) and then do a teaching degree. So as we sat eating way to much food at dinner last night we decided. No matter what happens with him and school we are going to start trying this time next year.

I can't believe we made a major life decision over baby back ribs. Kinda funny get it 'baby' back ribs. Know lets just hope that mother nature is kind to us and we don't have trouble consievign. I have been off the pill for about 4 months and things are just starting to get normal again. I guess it is a good thing we are giving ourselves time to adjust. I will now start obsessing about the things I need to know before having a little spaghetti bender of my own.

At least I can say that our one year of marriage has actually brought us closer. I think for once Mr. Spaghettibender gets it. He realizes I love him and am willing to make many sacrafices of my own for him to be happy. That seems to have in turn caused him to be much more understanding about me and my ... 'needyness' I believe he calls it.

Right now I am a very happy wife and I love my husband - that is all that matter. God, I'm sappy = )

Thursday, June 28, 2007

live free or die hard

AWESOME and Amazing. I am still loving it.

It has been a long time since I liked a movie this much. So Die hard like. It didn't have as much profanity as the usually Die Hard's but he still did his trademark line.

It was a perfect amount of cheese and unrealistic special effects - I love, love, loved it...

Friday, June 15, 2007

Busy little bee

I feel so busy lately but also kinda bored. We have been doing home reno and now we are helping out others with home reno. I get kinda annoyed by people that want to do their own updating but don't look into anything. They just expect you to come over and show them everything ... or more like do everything for them.

My new brother-in-law is very much like that. He can't even stain a fence by himself. He has to convince everyone to come over to help him. I know that he always provides food and drinks but he takes away from our only time off because he is too lazy to do it himself. Plus he never has the right tools or products. I mean it will take some time to stain a fence but if you have a sprayer it will go a lot faster. If you also calculate how much fence you have - both sides- then you will know how much stain to get and not have to run out in the middle because you only bought one can.

He is kinda a pain in my side with his laziness. They have a brand new single family home and he wants to finish the basement. So he calls up Mr. Spaghettibender and tells him that it will only cost him a couple of hundred dollars. Come on. Do what are you thinking. So hubby gets him (while on the phone) to measure the amount of space he needs to add insulation, vapour barrier and drywall. Then hubby tells him approx. what a bag of insulation cost and what it covers and the same with drywall. He still doesn't understand how to do the calculations so hubs does it for him. In the end he is shocked by the cost. What the hell did you think. Take some time and do some research instead of playing video games - how old are we!

= ) done

This weekend is Canada Day and I really just wanted to relax with one couple maybe two but that isn't going to happen. We are going to a BBQ/ pool party. I have to admit my body is no longer in the greatest shape. I really have to watch my calorie intake and exercise more. I thought biking home from work would do it but it isn't. I am not heavy on calories but lately there have been bags of chips and pop consumed. Some time that is all that is consumed but still I really need to crack a whip on this ass. Today won't be any better. I am currently eating a store bought apple and oatmeal muffin the size of a small kids pool and a coffee which is 'sugarly delicious'. Then at lunch it will be a slice of DQ treatzz pizza ... a cheap version of a DQ cake.

Oh I need to get back on the horse soon. How much is liposuction?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So Sad

Yesterday we took a drive up to visit my Aunt who has been put in to palliative care due to cancer. She is too weak to fight it off with Chemo so they have stopped all treatments. They actually asked her if she wanted to be resuscitated? Why ask that - give her a questionnaire maybe but don't tell the woman "hey there's nothing else we can do for you and by the way do you want us to resuscitate you if you code?" Crazy people.

I had seen her since she stopped Chemo but Mr. Spaghettibender and I needed to visit my uncle as well. So off we went for our road trip. When we arrived at the quaint little hospital was uncle of draped over the side of the hospital bed shaking his head. My heart sunk! He then motioned for us to come in. Normally you have to put on a mask but he said no. In we went with me holding my breathe. She looked awful. She didn't look like she was with us. My uncle proceeded to tell me she had a seizure and hasn't come out of it yet. They never said coma but that is what it looked like. My uncle was rubbing her hand telling her to wake up and see who is here to visit her. He keep saying "Come on wake up now" in this soft caring voice. I lost it and left the room.

After composing myself I went back in the room and asked my uncle how long she had been like this. He said the hospital called him at 11am to get him to come up because she hadn't woken up yet. So we watched my uncle try and wake my aunt up. He then asked me to talk to her and try and wake her up. So I did. I rubbed her hand and told her who I was and that I had brought her some donuts so she had to open her eyes and sit up to get one... I am not kidding but you then heard her take a deep breathe. We were shocked. Again I started to cry. Then she slowly moved a bit. Some time passed and then she licked her lips. Some more time passed and then she moved her hands to her face. Eventually when my uncle asked for the millionth time is she was going to wake up she said "leave me alone". The man was beaming from ear to ear. She was waking up. It took a little bit longer and eventually she was awake and wanting a donut. = )

I have to say after that I was very tired.

I can only hope that Mr. Spaghettibender loves me that much.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sleepy ... so sleepy!

I couldn't take it last night. Mr. Spaghettibender was up working on his letter of intent to go with his university application and all I could hear was the stupid computer mouse clicking and then him scribbling. I swear to god I almost when in and unplugged the computer. So finally at 12am I said - enough, turn off the computer.

So he then get ready for bed and hops in with his cold feet. That was fine but his twitching was driving me crazy. I took a blanket and went out to sleep on the couch. It is now 1am and the alarm is set for 5:30 ... great!

My eyes are so scratchy, I have no ambition to work. I was hoping to go outside at lunch with my mat and take a nap at the park but it looks like rain. Hum, not such a great day unlike yesterday.

I biked home, mowed the front and some of the back lawn - until I ran out of gas. Then I washed the stones for our fireplace hearth. Then I got everything together to marinate the salmon. Then I checked my email and facebook = ) Then I decided to go outside and put a coat of paint on the window frames. All of this done by 7pm. Wow, so much accomplished. I really don't think I am going to come close to that today. Mew!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Go Sens Go ... oh no...

Although I don't watch hockey that much - I really only care about the fights. I have some weird obsession with hockey fights... they get me very excited. Why - I don't know. So last night I actually started to think the Sens were losing because I was watching. So I stopped watch... then they scored. I start watching again... the ducks score... I stop watching... you get the drift. But once overtime hit I went to bed. So you can't blame the Ducks win on me watching cause I was sleeping. = )

I have so much too do and I don't want to do any of it. I am so lazy. The bridal shower and hence 25 strangers are heading over to my house is less than two weeks. I have tons of stuff to do between now and then. The three main ones are the tiling of the front foyer, replacing the stones on the fireplace hearth and staining the deck. If this rain doesn't stop soon I have no idea when I will have time to sand the deck so I can stain it. Ahhhh!!!! I still have so much to do that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg!

Maybe instead of blogging I should make a detailed list... sounds like a plan!

Friday, May 4, 2007

Honestly what's with facebook

I think I was lucky and hit the facebook thing after many of my friends have already made themselves sick on it. I see there are a few stragglers that are poking me now but it has settled down.

That's good because Mr. Spaghettibender has started evening classes at the University and he doesn't need any distractions. I felt so sorry for him after his first night. He came home panicked and kept asking me what he got himself into. I know it is really hard to go back to school. Write an essay - what the hell is an essay??? I personally couldn't do any English classes if my life depended on it ... okay maybe if my life depended on it but I wouldn't enjoy it. The only bit of reading I get done is the blogs I frequent. = ) I know it is pathetic but I prefer to spend my downtime watching movies or TV. And I really don't have all that much downtime.

Right now our home reno projects are all over the map. We tried to focus on one area at a time but the tiles for the front foyer are on back order, so off we went to work on the bathroom. Things in their are stalled until we find a vanity. But we have to sink and countertop picked out so once we hurry up and find a vanity we will getter dun!

Although with Mr. Spaghettibender needing to spend his time on school, I'm not sure when. Don't get me wrong I can do some thing myself but I need 'us' to be okay with my choices.

So we will see what adventures we undertake this weekend... maybe I should start journaling our adventures... that sounds entertaining. Okay to me! ;)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Good girl

Since I finally caved and joined facebook I have become mildly addicted. I did find one of Mr. Spaghettibenders old friends and decided to surprise him with a special visit. So Saturday afternoon Mr. Spaghettibender thought our friends M. Bo and husband were stopping by but instead when he went to the door he was shocked... and I mean shocked to see his old bar hoping friend. He was like a deer caught in head lights... he was so confused for at least the first hour. I had to keep explaning that M.Bo wasn't coming over.

Oh it was a night full of reminiscing and updating life stories. I was so much fun and I was so happy that Mr. Spaghettibender was having such a good time.

So this is what being a good wife feels like =)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Off he goes

Off went Mr. SpaghettiBender with his little school bag ... he looked so cute. Ready to conquer the world of University. You could see in his face a bit of panic but excitement. Off he went to register for summer courses at the University ... ready to start his university degree at the age of 33. Good for him. Oh wait that means I have to support him :O

But still he looked so cute, I should have taken a picture.

I tell ya, I have no idea how he does it. Or how he is going to do it. I am so scared for him. He was talking about a class on world literature so I read the blurb - no way. I honestly feel asleep while reading it. I could not sit in a class to discuss writing from different countries. How boring. The closest thing I come to in the form of literature is blogs : )

I can't wait to hear how his registration went. Everyday dealing with the university has a great story of our tax dollars at work.

Friday, April 13, 2007

What is it about Fridays?

Friday is here, yeah! I had tons of stuff to finish up at work so the day should go flying by.

I was happy and knew I could keep myself busy so off I went to start one task and let it go as I started and finished another task - great.

No! Not great!

Of course things can't run smoothly my first task got all messed up. And being that is it Friday and half of the world takes Friday off there is no one to help me fix the problem.

I have to juggle the time on this god-for-saken instrument with the senior people and that usually means the only time I can use it is when they are away but it also means that is the best chance I have to experience problems with it! Great!

Now I am going to be much much further behind.

I HATE Fridays!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Tad bit stressed

Okay I am starting to get a tad bit stressed. Since Mr. SpaghettiBender is going to be going back to school in the fall and I am going to be paying all our bills... well it is starting to stress me out. I wanted to save all the money for his tuition for the next 3yrs now and that way all we had to worry about was our everyday expenses. I have been pretty good about not spending money on luxury things like dinners out or household decor etc. But Mr. SpaghettiBender isn't doing the same. He sees no problem in spending at least a hundred dollars on food etc to have his family over for Easter dinner. What are you thinking?

I am trying to wrap my head around all the costs associated with him going to university and they just keep adding up and up. Plus he wants to take some courses this summer which will cost about $2500. Where is all this money going to come from?

I also have many events I have to pay for this year as well. There is another bridal shower coming up - regift : ) Then a good friend is having a baby - baby gift. I have to plan a bridal shower since I am the maid of honour - normally this would be divided between the bridesmaids but from the problems I am having now - not going to happen. Then I have to buy the dress for the Wedding - like $300 plus hair and make-up another $200. then there is the Bachelorette party. Plus we have two Wedding in one day and that will cost us $400.


So what kind of money to prostitutes make these day : )

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Happy Easter

What a great weekend. We did so well not to get overwhelmed and still made time for ourselves. Thursday night we tried to do all of our running around for the weekend meals but fell short with only making a trip to Costco and Loblaws. But that was okay because we really only had to pick up a couple of other things.

I am alittle ashamed to admit that I have a fetish ... flyer's. The are usually delivered late Friday night but they came early on Thursday night - ya! Although I did miss getting up and having my cup of coffee as I read flip through them. Why am I so excited by them? Even if there is something on sale that I am interested in I make no attempt to go out and buy it. I just love getting ideas for stuff I might need. : )

Our foyer tiles are still estimated to be delivered in May - poohey! So on to the next project - the bathroom. I have been trying to hunt down a vessel sink. I hate that they sometimes call it an above the counter sink... make up your minds and call it one thing. We saw a really nice one made of marble but it was $500... ouch! Then add in the cost of a vanity that could be almost $1000 and you have an expensive not too impressive piece of furniture in the bathroom that will be dated in about a year. Maybe I should just stick with the conventional stuff.

We also made our first Turkey ever! It was so yummy!!! I am so impressed with our Easter dinner menu. I also made homemade vegetable bisque. I love homemade soup. I'm not too sure how my Italian in-laws felt about what we made but we loved it.

Its okay to try new things people!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Mr.Spaghettibender is whistling a happy tune

That right Mr. Spaghettibender is very happy these days it seems that going off the pill has increased my libido ten folds. So he definitely has a bounce in his step. Never did I think that going off the pill could be so beneficial. I feel great. I should have done this years ago. But then we might have had a little Spaghettibender. : 0 - not what we wanted.

Went to a bridal shower this weekend. This was the third one for the bride-to-be. It was horrible. I was told that it was just suppose to be for the younger people but they might have said it was just for the younger people that were family. They were so many jokes that the rest of us didn't get and then there was this whole underlying Irish theme. I didn't even know the bride was Irish. Anyways, I made a note to myself not to throw a shower like that for this falls wedding.

We got the bikes out and ready to start biking into work but then this damn cold weather came back - lovely. I need to start biking into work ... I need to start loosing weight. I can't seem to do it from just working out at home. I need the 30mins twice a day cardio to help me out. Ah!!! I am so frustrated. I fell like a blob lately. I have to go dress shopping for the Fall Wedding and the last thing I want to do is try on dresses feeling like this. I need that show the last 10 pounds. Sign me up!

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Am I a hater?

So yet again I have started a fight while having a nice dinner hosted by our friends/family. How do I do it you ask - simple I just open my mouth.

Honestly I have the knack to get a seemingly happy couple into an arguing match with hours of being in their home. Last weekend it was me taking a newly engaged couple and having the fiancee give back her ring before we left. Why, why me. Can't I just keep my mouth shut - nope! I have to make a point and I won't stop until it is made. In my defence the fiancee told me the next day that she had drank way too much and was being a drama queen. However, Mr. Spaghettibender doesn't see it that way. He has some nasty comments to make towards my actions that night.

Oh well, you can't win them all. I went of to my best friends recently for dinner with her and her fiance and we didn't end in a ring exchanging ceremony - so good night : )

I have a bridal shower this weekend. I HATE bridal showers. They are always full of a bunch of people I don't know playing games I really don't want to play. But I will suck it up for my friend. She is great, I adore her. I have already purchased my lovely gift from her registry, I went crazy and got towels - woo hoo! I am crazy. Don't worry I will probably spend more on the wrapping then the gift itself. What is the correct amount to spend on a Bridal shower gift? I know at my bridal shower I got gifts that ranged from $20 ... I think Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin was trying to tell me something to $80 registry gifts. I am still stunned that Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin spent only $20 on a pasta maker for me. Okay I'm not stunned but agitated. In his family that is an insult. So now her Wedding is coming up and I am trying to figure out if I will do a re-gift ... that's right I said a re-gift or buy something cheap off her registry. Am I holding a grudge... why yes, yes I am : )

Thankfully the work day is almost over. I am so HAPPYYYY!!! I have tomorrow off and I plan on doing a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing. We'll see what Mr. Spaghettibender has to say about that.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ah, to be the outsider...

This whole family feud thing is getting annoying. Now it turns out that the upcoming Wedding of Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin to here french Canadian fiancee is causing more family term oil. I'm telling ya - they don't like outsiders. They especially don't like outsider that speak their minds. I can definitely tell from the way Mr. spaghettibenders brother talks to me. They want you to be like them. You know sweet and polite and then talk nasty behind their backs. Well I am pretty up front about my feelings for someone. If I don't like you, I'm not rude to you but I am not going to cross a room to talk to you.

So it turns out that Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin took a stand and decided to NOT invite her own cousins to her Wedding. These are the people that are being unbelievable rude to her fiance. I'm sure there is some truth in the things they are saying but they have decided to blow them out of proportion. I mean if he said that one of the last girl cousins to get married only did so to get away from her parents I would take it as a joke. But no! They got all insulted and said he was insulting the family. Blah, blah, blah. It is getting so ridiculous. These people need to grow up. When I first started dating Mr. Spaghettibender they were saying things about him. What was it again - steroid and drug dealer - ya right he was about 150lbs wet weight and that was only because he was so athletic. Drug dealer - no way too much competition with the hundreds at school. They just want to cut everyone down and for once someone stood up for the only girl they ostracised for saying that their uncle abused at least 7 of the girl cousins. This family is messed up.

I can't wait to go to her Wedding. I am happy as long as she is happy. She might not have treated me as nice as she could have when I entered the family but she was 'rude' to me. So I am not rude back. She is going through a lot personally right now and needs peoples support not battery.

Maybe I should just keep myself completely out of it, after all I am an outsider.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Back to some home reno

We made a list and check it twice... renovation schedule is back on. And yet we are already off schedule.

After working on our schedule and time line from now until June for about an hour, Mr Spaghettibender takes off in another direction. Removing the hideous shag carpeting from our basement stairs. It is the last remanence of the shag from our basement and a bit of a reminder of how far we've come.

And like all jobs - you think will be easy and turn out to take much more time and effort than you thought. We started ripping the carpet off only to find that the disintegrated under padding is sticking to the stairs. Great ... out come the scrapers. Then we realize that all the herds of cows that have come up and down the stairs in the last 40yrs have caused that step to pull away from the "stringer" ... I marvel at my vocabulary... basically the side part of the stairs that the steps get nailed into. So we had to do a little reconstructing after removing the loads of crap that Mr Spaghettibender has stored under the stairs. This was taking us forever.

The end results was some bright orange/red stairs that weren't in the greatest of shapes. So do we take the time to strip the stairs and stain them or do we just paint them. We decide to sleep on it.

Day 2 we run off to Home Depot to look at painting the stairs. I wonder around looking at light fixtures and ceramic tiles... I can sometimes loss myself in Home depot. They have this new cool wood linoleum. It is amazing - honestly it looks 100% better than laminate. I was trying to come up with a place I could try it out but the only thing I came up with was the laundry room. Then there would be way too many floor finishes in the basement - nah! A small can of floor paint can't be tinted - what?! How was the smart guy that came up with that logic? There was no way I was going to buy a gallon of floor paint for the stairs. So thankfully we spoke to a more knowledgeable guy and he said to use a pint of tremclad because it would take the brunt of the stairs. I guess well see. I am still high off the paint fumes. Who paints with oil in the winter - wait - we do!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I love Valentine's Day

It is just such a great day. Who doesn't love lots of candy and chocolate??? I was hoping that Mr. Spaghettibender would sneak some into my lunch bag like I did to him... but he didn't : ( I am kinda despirate in my craving for cinnamon hearts. The less I have during the day, the more changes I have to make myself sick on them tonight. Okay, who am I kidding I would make myself sick on the all day long. My tongue would be raw before I left work. : )

I have decided that we need a little sprucing up in the romance department so I got us the 101 great nights of romance book. A while back - when we were first dating I got the 101 great nights of sex book and it was interesting so I thought what the hell.

The only problem I have is the feeling of a cold coming on. I am hoping to fend it off until tomorrow but I'm not sure how that is going to work. Tonight we will have a nice meal, maybe too much wine but that okay. Then hopefully it will be an early bed night ;) so I might get some rest.

I see most people planning dinners out and jewelry gifts but I much prefer the time spent together with lot of conversation followed by very little conversation. I am so twisted today. Love is in the air.

If only ever day was Val Day

Monday, February 5, 2007

what a weekend ... did you catch the superbowl

What a weekend! Did you catch the superbowl last night. With the amount of rain they were getting I thought it would be an interesting game to watch. It started out great. Kickoff returned for a touchdown by the underdogs. I loved it! Then it slowed down to a horrible pace. I was starting to get extremely frustrated. I was continuously yelling at the screen Mr.Spaghettibender laughing at me. He eventually left the room, not being able to stomach the Bears QB. I have t admit I haven't watch much football this year but after seeing this QB it makes me wonder how they made it this far. My lord, it was sad. But a fitting ending to a weekend of pure nothing.

Saturday night Mr.Spaghettibender had poker and I was in no mode to socialize with the other people that tag along but don't play. So at the last moment a get a phone call from one of the girlfriends seeing if I want to get together. I really just wanted to hang out and get some stuff done around the house but I also thought was a great opportunity to find out from a Teacher all the ins and outs of the education system. So she came over to my house with wine in hand - how long does it take two girls to open a bottle of wine without a man around - A LONG TIME! That still makes me laugh thinking of us getting so excited when the cork would move a couple of mm's. I really should invest in a better cork screw.

So we sat around getting updated on her Wedding stats and their house hunting problems. God, the two of us can talk! Then we talked about Mr.Spaghettibender going back to school and maybe teachers college. It was very informative which made me a bit scared. I know no matter what finding a job is hard but thinking about him going back to school and us wanting to start a family some time in the future doesn't go hand in hand. I have no idea how we will manage this. I always thought when we had kids he would stay home with them. Now I have no idea what to do. I REALLY don't want them to go to some strangers house. Just something else to throw on the plate.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It was a hit

At Christmas I tired to plan a get together with some friends (couples). I had planned out different hot and cold appetizers, I had prepared fruit, cake, cookies for a chocolate fondue ... I even made a drink menu so I could make different types of Martini's for the gang. I was pretty heart broken when people kept canceling on me. Even Mr Spaghettibender canceled due to a last minute Bachelor party. Honestly what is more fun, hanging with your wife and some friends drinking and socializing or seeing some scantly glad woman gyrating around a stag?? Don't answer that!

So then in rings January and I decide to try again. So Friday night I made some appetizers and had the drink menu on hand - not sure why everyone that it was so funny. My friends think I am so weird for going out of control on all these "events" but I really love theme parties. I just love putting things together and planning out everything. Now executing all of it is a little bit less fun especially if you are dealing with a husband that likes to procrastinate. I can't even count on one hand how many times he has either been mopping the floor or getting out of the shower when company arrives. He's a keeper! On going theme parties: St.Patrick's Day, Canada Day, Halloween - our favourite and Family Christmas Party. I will go all out with food, drinks, decorations sometimes even gift bags. I know, I know, I need help. Feel more sorry for my husband who has to put up with me during these events.

But look at the bright side because of the last event and my little drink menu we found some good martini recipes. One of our favourites

Fruit Tingles
1oz blue curacao
1oz rum
1/2 oz grenadine
3oz lemonade

I drank way too much though. So much so that I got into a heated discussion with Mr SpaghettiBender once everyone left but I can't remember anything except for crying. I don't dare ask him what the hell we were talking about. : ) I am such a loser.

The next event is Valentine's Day, the menu is planned, the gift is bought but I haven't found a card yet. I also want to assemble a CD of music to 'set the mood'. Then I have to get ready for Mr. Spaghettibenders bday. He always wants to throw a party but now that we are older I just think that is going over board. His bday falls during the week so I thought we would have dinner out and then maybe go to the casino - his favourite place on earth. Hopefully I can drag some friends to keep me entertained or I'll have to make some friends at the bar.

I have to plan a Bridal shower before September and before the end of September I have to plan a 50th bday, a 30th bday and a Bachelorette Party. September has always been my favourite month but this year it is going to be very stressful.

Only 14 days to go until I have a crap load of cinnamon heart - whoa hoa!