Friday, April 13, 2007

What is it about Fridays?

Friday is here, yeah! I had tons of stuff to finish up at work so the day should go flying by.

I was happy and knew I could keep myself busy so off I went to start one task and let it go as I started and finished another task - great.

No! Not great!

Of course things can't run smoothly my first task got all messed up. And being that is it Friday and half of the world takes Friday off there is no one to help me fix the problem.

I have to juggle the time on this god-for-saken instrument with the senior people and that usually means the only time I can use it is when they are away but it also means that is the best chance I have to experience problems with it! Great!

Now I am going to be much much further behind.

I HATE Fridays!

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