Thursday, March 29, 2007

Am I a hater?

So yet again I have started a fight while having a nice dinner hosted by our friends/family. How do I do it you ask - simple I just open my mouth.

Honestly I have the knack to get a seemingly happy couple into an arguing match with hours of being in their home. Last weekend it was me taking a newly engaged couple and having the fiancee give back her ring before we left. Why, why me. Can't I just keep my mouth shut - nope! I have to make a point and I won't stop until it is made. In my defence the fiancee told me the next day that she had drank way too much and was being a drama queen. However, Mr. Spaghettibender doesn't see it that way. He has some nasty comments to make towards my actions that night.

Oh well, you can't win them all. I went of to my best friends recently for dinner with her and her fiance and we didn't end in a ring exchanging ceremony - so good night : )

I have a bridal shower this weekend. I HATE bridal showers. They are always full of a bunch of people I don't know playing games I really don't want to play. But I will suck it up for my friend. She is great, I adore her. I have already purchased my lovely gift from her registry, I went crazy and got towels - woo hoo! I am crazy. Don't worry I will probably spend more on the wrapping then the gift itself. What is the correct amount to spend on a Bridal shower gift? I know at my bridal shower I got gifts that ranged from $20 ... I think Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin was trying to tell me something to $80 registry gifts. I am still stunned that Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin spent only $20 on a pasta maker for me. Okay I'm not stunned but agitated. In his family that is an insult. So now her Wedding is coming up and I am trying to figure out if I will do a re-gift ... that's right I said a re-gift or buy something cheap off her registry. Am I holding a grudge... why yes, yes I am : )

Thankfully the work day is almost over. I am so HAPPYYYY!!! I have tomorrow off and I plan on doing a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing. We'll see what Mr. Spaghettibender has to say about that.

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