Thursday, August 9, 2007

Interesting how your body works

Since I have decided to go off the pill in March after 16yrs. I have got 3 periods. That right 3. And at least two of them I wouldn't even count as periods. Lets see how many months that is - 6. Well my body isn't happy with me.

I went to my doctor and do you know what she told me - I'm not worried as long as you get 4 a year. WHAT??!! I am a woman that wants to have kids in the next year and you think this is okay. She actually told me it will just be harder for me to conceive - duh! I'm sorry but is it that hard for you to just fill out a form and let me go for an ultrasound to make sure thing are alright? I swear my doctor hates to fill out form and send people for anything. I mean after 3yrs I finally asked if I could have some blood work done with my physicals just to make sure things are in the right range. I really need to change doctors.

Two of my girlfriends have the same doctor and they say the same thing about her. She doesn't like to send you for tests or to give you medication unless you cry for it. I think she is a little bit of a "natural" person - not exactly what I want in a doctor.

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