Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So much work, so little time

Why do we start renovation hell when we have scheduled get-together at our house. We... scratch that Mr. Spaghettibender decide that we needed to finally put an archway into our livingroom and an opening into our diningroom. Well fast forward a couple of weeks and we are currently in drywall hell. This stuff gets into the air and spreads in dusty seed everywhere. I partially blame Mr. Sb because he didn't tape the room off but it honestly would have been hard to do. So now we are frantically trying to put everything back together by the long weekend - which is quickly striding towards us. Then on top of it he invites a friend and his new girlfriend over for this weekend. Do men think???

I did jump in and take the other job but then got reeled back in when they were told it wasn't going to be that easy. But my new boss is on holidays until next week so I can't do much about it.

This month is flying by. I was hoping to have some time with Mr. Spaghettibender before he head off to school but I doubt that is going to happen with our project list being longer than my arms. = (

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