Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Where does the time go?

I can't believe I haven't blogged since the end of August.

Let see what has happened since then. I had my mom's 50thbday bash at my house - total success. We didn't get our renovating done in time but I didn't care since everything was outside.

We then had my nephews 1st bday party. That pretty much consisted of a phone call from my BIL asking us to come over and help them get ready for the party which was starting at 2pm... it was 12 and we had just got out of the shower. Yikes! We did some of his errands and got to their place at 1:30pm and they were still making the cake and cupcakes. I helped decorate a bit, made cupcakes and then Mr. SB found out they had run out of propane. He says he'll run off to get some and of coarse my BIL says "I'll come with you". Mr. SB says "I think there is lots to do here and it doesn't take two of us to get propane". These people are so disorganized. This is Sunday afternoon how did you not get everything done the day before. I spent the rest of the day there doing loads and loads of dishes since the dishwasher was full and we couldn't put anything in it to help clean up.

So after the long weekend I get sick. REALLY sick! And although I am really sick I come into work anyways only to find out that I got the job. So I have two weeks until I start. So I had to tell my boss and prepare to leave. It was all very overwhelming - especially since I was REALLY sick.

That brings us to this past weekend in which I had a planned Bachelorette party at my house. God, I made some hilarious food. We and more importantly the Bride-to-be had a great time. That is all that matters. I will have to post the pics of the food but I'm not sure I know how to do that.

So here I am thinking this weekend can be a little slower with our only plans being a Baptism but then I forgot - it's my bday. So hopefully I will still have a relaxing weekend where I can recuperate and get better for the next weekend which is the Wedding I am in.

Phew, is this month over yet?!?!

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