Wednesday, May 30, 2007

sleepy ... so sleepy!

I couldn't take it last night. Mr. Spaghettibender was up working on his letter of intent to go with his university application and all I could hear was the stupid computer mouse clicking and then him scribbling. I swear to god I almost when in and unplugged the computer. So finally at 12am I said - enough, turn off the computer.

So he then get ready for bed and hops in with his cold feet. That was fine but his twitching was driving me crazy. I took a blanket and went out to sleep on the couch. It is now 1am and the alarm is set for 5:30 ... great!

My eyes are so scratchy, I have no ambition to work. I was hoping to go outside at lunch with my mat and take a nap at the park but it looks like rain. Hum, not such a great day unlike yesterday.

I biked home, mowed the front and some of the back lawn - until I ran out of gas. Then I washed the stones for our fireplace hearth. Then I got everything together to marinate the salmon. Then I checked my email and facebook = ) Then I decided to go outside and put a coat of paint on the window frames. All of this done by 7pm. Wow, so much accomplished. I really don't think I am going to come close to that today. Mew!

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