Tuesday, June 12, 2007

So Sad

Yesterday we took a drive up to visit my Aunt who has been put in to palliative care due to cancer. She is too weak to fight it off with Chemo so they have stopped all treatments. They actually asked her if she wanted to be resuscitated? Why ask that - give her a questionnaire maybe but don't tell the woman "hey there's nothing else we can do for you and by the way do you want us to resuscitate you if you code?" Crazy people.

I had seen her since she stopped Chemo but Mr. Spaghettibender and I needed to visit my uncle as well. So off we went for our road trip. When we arrived at the quaint little hospital was uncle of draped over the side of the hospital bed shaking his head. My heart sunk! He then motioned for us to come in. Normally you have to put on a mask but he said no. In we went with me holding my breathe. She looked awful. She didn't look like she was with us. My uncle proceeded to tell me she had a seizure and hasn't come out of it yet. They never said coma but that is what it looked like. My uncle was rubbing her hand telling her to wake up and see who is here to visit her. He keep saying "Come on wake up now" in this soft caring voice. I lost it and left the room.

After composing myself I went back in the room and asked my uncle how long she had been like this. He said the hospital called him at 11am to get him to come up because she hadn't woken up yet. So we watched my uncle try and wake my aunt up. He then asked me to talk to her and try and wake her up. So I did. I rubbed her hand and told her who I was and that I had brought her some donuts so she had to open her eyes and sit up to get one... I am not kidding but you then heard her take a deep breathe. We were shocked. Again I started to cry. Then she slowly moved a bit. Some time passed and then she licked her lips. Some more time passed and then she moved her hands to her face. Eventually when my uncle asked for the millionth time is she was going to wake up she said "leave me alone". The man was beaming from ear to ear. She was waking up. It took a little bit longer and eventually she was awake and wanting a donut. = )

I have to say after that I was very tired.

I can only hope that Mr. Spaghettibender loves me that much.

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