Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Go Sens Go ... oh no...

Although I don't watch hockey that much - I really only care about the fights. I have some weird obsession with hockey fights... they get me very excited. Why - I don't know. So last night I actually started to think the Sens were losing because I was watching. So I stopped watch... then they scored. I start watching again... the ducks score... I stop watching... you get the drift. But once overtime hit I went to bed. So you can't blame the Ducks win on me watching cause I was sleeping. = )

I have so much too do and I don't want to do any of it. I am so lazy. The bridal shower and hence 25 strangers are heading over to my house is less than two weeks. I have tons of stuff to do between now and then. The three main ones are the tiling of the front foyer, replacing the stones on the fireplace hearth and staining the deck. If this rain doesn't stop soon I have no idea when I will have time to sand the deck so I can stain it. Ahhhh!!!! I still have so much to do that stuff is just the tip of the iceberg!

Maybe instead of blogging I should make a detailed list... sounds like a plan!

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