Monday, December 10, 2007

Where does the weekend go. I was pretty good this weekend. Not too much overindulgence. I even managed a workout on Saturday. Last night however I was way too lazy. I am kicking myself for it now. I only have 26 more days to go and only 12lbs to go... yeah right 12lbs in 26 days. That is like 0.5lbs a day. Am I on the biggest loser working out 4hrs a day - no! So more reasonable is 2lbs a week times 3 weeks is 6lbs. Is that doable - hell ya for a normal human being that has some will power over the holidays. But that ain't me.

The 70s groove party was good this weekend. I was a little disappointed with the decorations - there were none but they did have 70s music and some old school arcade games. Takes ya back.
Here is our costumes

The dress wasn't all that flattering on my figure but when I realized I would have to put in a zipper to be able to take it in I said F&ck it and left it alone. Don't you love Mr. Spaghettibender moustache? Later on that night we ended up with a series of photos of the moustache as eyebrows. What we do for fun.

Today definitely feels like Monday. I am dragging my ass and I'm cold. Sounds like a perfect excuse for a coffee.

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