Friday, December 21, 2007

I am legend

Yep, I got dragged to see I am Legend with Will Smith. Now normally I like Will Smith movies but I'm just not into zombie... sorry they aren't zombie's as Mr. Spaghettibender wants to remind me... they are mutated humans. So anyways I didn't want to see a movie with mutated Humans trying to eat Will Smith but what do I know.

So Mr. Spaghettibender drags me to the movie saying it is going to be good, you'll see. Yeah, it sucked! He still holds his ground saying it was good but honestly - it sucked! Why on gawds green earth do I have to watch crappy movies with my husband. Don't get me wrong I love watching movies and it does happen that I can pick some pretty bad ones but honestly what movie with zombies or mutated humans has even been done well.

So in retaliation I am dragging him to see National Treasure : Book of Secrets after work tonight. Lets hope this one isn't a dud or I won't hear the end of it.

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