Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well it is that time of year again. Lots of presents, lots of food, lots of drinking... but I am happy to say that I'm barely partaking in any of it. I have a ridiculous confession to make. We workout out on Christmas Day. How sad are we?! Hey I only have... checking countdown calendar... 7 days until we are off to Punta Cana. I will not be anywhere near the weight I wanted but there is really nothing I can do know but keep focused on not gaining weight until then.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season.

I hope everyone has made plans for New Years Eve. I asked Mr. Spaghettibender what he wanted to do this year. He wanted to spend it with his family. Which I was okay with. Because when we make plans with my best friend things always fall through and it ends up just being the 4 of us. Which I don't mind but I wanted a bit more of a gathering this year. Well now I am longing for the idea of being with my best friend for New Years. So I call her to see if they have made any plans, well they have there is like 10 people coming over to their house. So now I'm jealous and I really want to go. She asked what we're doing and I say that I'm not sure since Mr Spaghettibender is not feeling the whole family New Years this year. I was kinda hoping she would invite us over - silence. Now I'm a bit disappointed and kinda bummed about spending New Years with Mr. Spaghettibenders family. I assume since she didn't invite us to come over that she doesn't want us there. I know she was feeling like there was a lot of people already going over so I'm sure that is why she didn't ask or she is trying to prove a point because we didn't want to get together with them.

Whatever I will try and have a good time either way. That night I WILL drink... but I'll workout more before hand = )

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