Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm cheating

Well in my dreams. I am not one to have dreams that often but let me tell you lately I am having vivid dreams about other men that I know. In my dreams I am not married but there is always something holding me back from attacking my prey. In my dreams I am very flirtatious and it is very obvious that I want these men. It is making it really awkward for when I really do see these guys. What is going on with me, these dreams are kinda freaking me out.

It started me thinking, are we suppose to be with one person sexually for the rest of our lives? Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and he is good in bed. But I was always rather horny and loved the thrill of the chase. Not exactly what you have to do when you are married.

I told one of my girlfriends about what has been happening and she told me maybe I should think about role playing. Hum, I wonder if this would help stop the fantasies. Now I have pictures of fireman and policeman flashing through my head... oh, to daydream.

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