Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Getting back into shape

We are going on vacation with some friends for a Wedding in 18 days. And I have to admit I don't think I have been so worried about my physic as much as I am now. I have actually thought about not drinking just to save on the calories... yes something is definitely wrong!

Now I biked all summer and workout almost everyday but I wasn't really losing weight. Now that there is snow on the ground I thought I would be gaining some weight. I am still working out but I'm running instead of biking - doesn't seem to burn as many calories. And it is colder outside so I'm spending more time inside watching TV or socializing and smoozing with friends. Not exactly the plan I need to loss weight for our vacation. But here I am with my pants falling off my ass and I don't think my body looks any different. WTF! How do these girls do it. How do they look so tiny with their little size 2 pants.
I run on the treadmill, I watch what I eat, I do weights if all of this gets me nowhere then what is the point of working out so hard?
I know it silly to care about looking good for our vacation - these are my friends and they are not judging me passed on my %fat... but I think they are. Girls are mean and harsh. Even ones that say they are your friends. So here's to hoping I can loss as much weight as possible between now and then... even if I have to cut back on the holiday cheer. Yeah, we'll see how that works out.

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