Wednesday, January 2, 2008

thanks for the memories!

Wow, another year bits the dust. Usually on New Years I like to think about what has been going on in my life and what is to come but ... this year I was too drunk! Honestly I don't even remember it hitting midnight. I am going to assume I kissed my husband but truthfully I can't remember. = )

Let see what has been going on in our lives this last year. Actually this year was rather busy. I was a maid of honour in my best friends Wedding so that took up a lot of my time. Mr. Spaghettibender got laid off but was already enrolled in University so that wasn't such a big deal, him going to University was. And I started a new job. Sure there was other little events here and there but that tops the list.

Now I have 3 days to go until we go away for our first ever destination wedding. I would love to take a day off to rest up but does that really make any sense to rest up for a vacation?

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