Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can't believe we are already the 22 of January. Where the hell did the month go.

My newest goal. To get a basal thermometer and start charting my temperature. I know it seems silly but I just want to know what is going on with me before we start trying to have a baby. My periods, I thought were become more predictable at 45days but - nah! So if I can understand when I might be ovulating that might make me feel less stressed.

It is strange to hear me take about having kids. I never ever saw myself with kids. I saw myself with pets but not kids. But whenever I picture Christmas I always picture having kids. So at some point this year we will start trying to have kids.

I am looking forward to getting pregnant and then making a must-complete-list for Mr. Spaghettibender. One in which I can't help him with since I am pregnant. Hee, hee, hee. I am so evil. But come-on I am so tired of renovations. I would rather save up the money and pay someone else to do it. I just don't want to do anymore sanding or drywall or painting.

Okay but I want to decorate a babies room. The bedroom we would use is screaming out to be decorated. I love anything I can do around a theme =)

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