Friday, November 9, 2007

7 things that make me cool

Okay I have to list 7 things that make me cool. Yeah, like this is easy for someone like me with only a smig of self confidence.

1. I have a Halloween party every year in which I go all out.
2. I have had some couples over for drinks and actually made a drink menu. (they still laugh about this one)
3. I absolutely love ziplines, you know you hook on a harness and clip onto a really long metal line and go zipping down it.
4. I was my husbands right hand for most of our house renovations - including reshingling our roof.
5. My friends are very important to me and I'll pretty much do anything for them
6. I love to talk
7. I love throwing themed parties for people and making sure it is an evening they would enjoy.

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