Thursday, October 11, 2007

Bachelorette Party fun

I forgot to talk about the Bachelorette party I hosted for my best friend. After all the drama with one of the bridesmaids I wasn't too sure how it was going to turn out. Then with me being so sick with a cold right before I wasn't too sure if I would be ready for a night of drinking and socializing.

But it was always about the bride-to-be having the best time. My Bachelorette sucked and that was because nobody thought about what I wanted, just what was easier for them. I had games ideas if everyone was receptive to them and I had stuff for us to do at the bar if we were bored. I knew the group would dictate the fun.

So I made some phallic objects:

penis streamers

penis cheese dip

penis cake

I had Bachelorette streamers, signs and balloons. The whole place was decorated in black and hot pink. I had several games. One was a penis toss drinking game. Mr. Spaghettibender had a penis taped to his head for his Bachelor party which I used as a centerpiece for the toss game. The object of the game was to throw these jelly bracelets around the penis - if you missed you had to drink, if you ringed it you got to make someone else drink. The next game since everyone seemed to be having good time was 'who can suck' in which I put a pile of tiny marshmallows and everyone got a cup and a straw. You had to move as many marshmallows into your cup my sucking them with the straw. It was so funny because the bride-to-be started to choke and said she has sucked up one of the penis confetti that was on the table. We laughed so hard.

During the two games Mr. Spaghettibender had come home to pick up the car and he had climbed outside the front window and started to strip ... funny guy. When I saw him arriving I had given the girls a whole bunch of change to throw at him. So him preforming the striptease in the window was more ammunition for us. He came inside the house and we all started throwing pennies and nickels and yelling take it off... hee,hee,hee. He then made us a round of martini's. Yum! Amazing how a man can show up at a Bachelorette Party and we just keep enjoying ourselves and yet if that was the other way around the guys would have crucified the girl, or her boyfriend/husband.

Anyways, the final game was asking the bride-to-be questions that the groom-to-be had already answered. If she got them wrong she had to wear something. I had a bride-to-be sash, a veil covered in shiny penis's, a penis necklace shotglass, and a headband with pink flashing penis's. The game was so much fun the bride was definitely intoxicated by this point. The proof was when we asked her "what did the groom say was the wildest place you guys had sex"? He had answered "in your house with your cats watching" - obviously a joke... wait a minute maybe not... But she answered "N's washroom at her parents house" well N was there and she was shocked. I said no he didn't answer that, so she continued to come up with all these places. God, it was so much fun.

Then off we went to the bar with a bunch of Q card dares that I had made up. The other bridesmaid didn't think she would do them but I thought if she wants to we will if not we won't. She did almost all of them. Take a picture of the guys urinals. Pinch 10 guys butts. Kiss the next guy to walk in with a hat on... the list went on and on.

All I can say is she had a good time and that is all that I wanted. I think she will remember her Bachelorette as a great party in her honour. Those are the memories you want.

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