Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well it is that time of year again. Lots of presents, lots of food, lots of drinking... but I am happy to say that I'm barely partaking in any of it. I have a ridiculous confession to make. We workout out on Christmas Day. How sad are we?! Hey I only have... checking countdown calendar... 7 days until we are off to Punta Cana. I will not be anywhere near the weight I wanted but there is really nothing I can do know but keep focused on not gaining weight until then.

I hope everyone is having a great holiday season.

I hope everyone has made plans for New Years Eve. I asked Mr. Spaghettibender what he wanted to do this year. He wanted to spend it with his family. Which I was okay with. Because when we make plans with my best friend things always fall through and it ends up just being the 4 of us. Which I don't mind but I wanted a bit more of a gathering this year. Well now I am longing for the idea of being with my best friend for New Years. So I call her to see if they have made any plans, well they have there is like 10 people coming over to their house. So now I'm jealous and I really want to go. She asked what we're doing and I say that I'm not sure since Mr Spaghettibender is not feeling the whole family New Years this year. I was kinda hoping she would invite us over - silence. Now I'm a bit disappointed and kinda bummed about spending New Years with Mr. Spaghettibenders family. I assume since she didn't invite us to come over that she doesn't want us there. I know she was feeling like there was a lot of people already going over so I'm sure that is why she didn't ask or she is trying to prove a point because we didn't want to get together with them.

Whatever I will try and have a good time either way. That night I WILL drink... but I'll workout more before hand = )

Friday, December 21, 2007

I am legend

Yep, I got dragged to see I am Legend with Will Smith. Now normally I like Will Smith movies but I'm just not into zombie... sorry they aren't zombie's as Mr. Spaghettibender wants to remind me... they are mutated humans. So anyways I didn't want to see a movie with mutated Humans trying to eat Will Smith but what do I know.

So Mr. Spaghettibender drags me to the movie saying it is going to be good, you'll see. Yeah, it sucked! He still holds his ground saying it was good but honestly - it sucked! Why on gawds green earth do I have to watch crappy movies with my husband. Don't get me wrong I love watching movies and it does happen that I can pick some pretty bad ones but honestly what movie with zombies or mutated humans has even been done well.

So in retaliation I am dragging him to see National Treasure : Book of Secrets after work tonight. Lets hope this one isn't a dud or I won't hear the end of it.

Still no gifts!

What the hell am I thinking. I still haven't bought gifts for Christmas. I still don't have any stocking stuffers... I am not looking forward to shopping this weekend.

But I am looking forward to going out with my old friend T tonight. He is currently living in Brazil and I only get to see him around Christmas time. Usually he just stops by unannounced and we have plans and don't get to chat much but this time I asked a head of time and yeah we are getting together. Mr. Spaghettibender has poker tonight and T wanted me to make sure it was okay than we go out together. What? I'm sorry do I have to ask my husband if I can go out with an old friend? I was a little confused when he asked.

Since T is hard to set plans in stone with, I haven't even told Mr. Spaghettibender that I am going out with him. Is this wrong of me?

I am so excited. Now lets just hope that T doesn't cancel on me ... or else I might have to go Christmas shopping - yikes!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Today is Mr. Spaghettibenders final exam... woohoo! I might actually get my husband back... sorta. He has already planned several 'guys only' events before he goes back to school in January. But here's hoping that somewhere in there I might finally get some time alone with him. Like Today. I have the afternoon off and I'm going to spoil him rotten. Let just say there is a pair of fishnet stockings involved!

What kind of wife would I be if I didn't indulge his fantasies! = )

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

What bird is this?

We saw this huge shadow in our house so we went to look out the window and this huge bird was munching on a Morning Dove. I hate Morning Doves so I was very impressed by this bird. My only question - what type of bird is this?

Getting back into shape

We are going on vacation with some friends for a Wedding in 18 days. And I have to admit I don't think I have been so worried about my physic as much as I am now. I have actually thought about not drinking just to save on the calories... yes something is definitely wrong!

Now I biked all summer and workout almost everyday but I wasn't really losing weight. Now that there is snow on the ground I thought I would be gaining some weight. I am still working out but I'm running instead of biking - doesn't seem to burn as many calories. And it is colder outside so I'm spending more time inside watching TV or socializing and smoozing with friends. Not exactly the plan I need to loss weight for our vacation. But here I am with my pants falling off my ass and I don't think my body looks any different. WTF! How do these girls do it. How do they look so tiny with their little size 2 pants.
I run on the treadmill, I watch what I eat, I do weights if all of this gets me nowhere then what is the point of working out so hard?
I know it silly to care about looking good for our vacation - these are my friends and they are not judging me passed on my %fat... but I think they are. Girls are mean and harsh. Even ones that say they are your friends. So here's to hoping I can loss as much weight as possible between now and then... even if I have to cut back on the holiday cheer. Yeah, we'll see how that works out.

Friday, December 14, 2007

what is wrong with me

Honestly I think I am having a mid-life crisis. At my current job I have a student who comes in about twice a week to work on his master project... and I find myself flirting with him. What the hell is wrong with me. First off I'm married. Second he is 10yrs younger than me. WTF am I thinking.
I honestly feel like a deprived husband who is looking for some attention from outside my marriage. Not that I would ever let anything happen. But then why do I flirt. Is it just to see if this old cougar has it ... I have no idea.

I admit that he looks older and I look younger but I AM MARRIED!

Maybe we should go to couples counselling... or maybe a swingers club... okay now I'm just being ridiculous. Must be the wine I had at lunch.
Is it time to go home yet?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Samosa Party!!!

Today at work is our annual Samosa Party. It is kinda a prelude to our Christmas Party except it is at work. This year I convinced a colleague to bring in her Wii... let me tell you we had a blast. I'm sure the alcohol didn't hurt either. = )
My arms are so tired from boxing. I KO'd in round 3 both times. The men are going down!
Unfortunately the room we had was only booked until 2pm so we had to cut our fun short = ( Now I'm all wired and back at work - WTF! I should be on my way home but I have no idea where Mr. Spaghettibender is. These are the days I wish we had a cellphone.
Is it really that strange that we don't have one?

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Let take a poll.

Is it moustache or mustache?
This has just come to my attention that I spell it moustache and another one of my friends spells it mustache. I looked it up on and both spellings seem right. But know it got me thinking - what is most common?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I'm cheating

Well in my dreams. I am not one to have dreams that often but let me tell you lately I am having vivid dreams about other men that I know. In my dreams I am not married but there is always something holding me back from attacking my prey. In my dreams I am very flirtatious and it is very obvious that I want these men. It is making it really awkward for when I really do see these guys. What is going on with me, these dreams are kinda freaking me out.

It started me thinking, are we suppose to be with one person sexually for the rest of our lives? Don't get me wrong, I love my husband and he is good in bed. But I was always rather horny and loved the thrill of the chase. Not exactly what you have to do when you are married.

I told one of my girlfriends about what has been happening and she told me maybe I should think about role playing. Hum, I wonder if this would help stop the fantasies. Now I have pictures of fireman and policeman flashing through my head... oh, to daydream.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Stay away from unclaimed green M&M's

On Saturday night at the 70s groove party we were sitting around playing twister while passing around a bowl of Christmas M&M's. Then Mr. Spaghettibender dropped one on the floor in which my friends dog immediately dove for and lick before Mr. SB took it away and placed it on the coffee table.
Skip forward about a half hour. We're still sitting on the sofa when my friend M who is sitting beside me says... "hey you know that green M&M on the coffee table..." before he even finishes the sentence I look at the coffee table ... my heart skips a beat because - IT"S GONE! I look at M and say "You mean the one that fell on the floor and the dog licked?". He says "I knew I should have asked why it was on the coffee table before I ate it". I almost pissed myself laughing. Still right now it make me laugh. He continued to tell me he thought it tasted furry. Honestly I didn't stop laughing for 5minutes.

I will never again look at green M&M's the same way.
Where does the weekend go. I was pretty good this weekend. Not too much overindulgence. I even managed a workout on Saturday. Last night however I was way too lazy. I am kicking myself for it now. I only have 26 more days to go and only 12lbs to go... yeah right 12lbs in 26 days. That is like 0.5lbs a day. Am I on the biggest loser working out 4hrs a day - no! So more reasonable is 2lbs a week times 3 weeks is 6lbs. Is that doable - hell ya for a normal human being that has some will power over the holidays. But that ain't me.

The 70s groove party was good this weekend. I was a little disappointed with the decorations - there were none but they did have 70s music and some old school arcade games. Takes ya back.
Here is our costumes

The dress wasn't all that flattering on my figure but when I realized I would have to put in a zipper to be able to take it in I said F&ck it and left it alone. Don't you love Mr. Spaghettibender moustache? Later on that night we ended up with a series of photos of the moustache as eyebrows. What we do for fun.

Today definitely feels like Monday. I am dragging my ass and I'm cold. Sounds like a perfect excuse for a coffee.

Friday, December 7, 2007

No Christmas spirit

Normally I am all over Christmas. I have my decorations ready to go as soon as Dec1st hits. Mr. Spaghettibender won't let me put them up before that. I have my Christmas cards ready to be mailed and I am playing Christmas music and frolicking around... okay maybe that's a bit of an overstatement but you get the drift. I love Christmas. I plan a big Christmas party for my family, some people live a bit out of town and we don't get to see everyone that much anymore. I buy lots of gift and I plan a few get-together's.

But this year ... nothing. I have no decorations up, I have no gifts bought, I didn't even crack the seal on the the Christmas card box. I am pathetic. I have tried listening to Christmas music to get in the mood- but nothin'! I'm starting to wonder if my heart has shrunk three sizes this year??

I don't know what it is about this year. I must admit I have become tired of the effort I put into our social events and the lack of enthusiasm from everyone involved. It is a lot of work and money to have these gatherings and I find my family and our friends just don't seem to appreciate it. So this year I said that I wasn't doing it. Which turns out is fine because we are still really busy with other parties every weekend. But for every party I ask if I can help out and tell them I will bring something like dessert or appetizers. Just one thing to take off the host/hostesses list of things to do. I even bring a little something just them to say thank you for the lovely party and all the effort it took to plan. Why the hell do I do this? Nobody does this for me. Then my mind starts to swirl with anger and resentment. And again the grinchyness (I love making up words) of it all starts to rear it ugly head.

How on earth do I get back the Christmas spirit?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

I love my job

On my lunch hour, me and a fellow colleague designed a template for my hat and boot covers for my costume on Saturday. I finally had to go with a go-go girl, kinda like this

I found the perfect pink tweed dress at Value Village yesterday. Now tomorrow I'm going to bring in the white fabric and sew them on my lunch hour. So much nicer than wasting my precious evenings on these things.

Gotta luv the job!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why is there so much running around in circles?

Supposedly as soon as a started working here I was suppose to get a medical clearance. Well every year work sends me for a medical so I must have medical clearance. Yet do you think I can get anyone to provide me with the documentation for me new job. No!

It isn't up to my new employer to get the information and my old employer says there is no form for medical clearance. So here I am running around in a circle trying to figure out who is right and how to provide these people with the forms so I finally accept my new job.

Come on people momma needs a new pair of shoes!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

What the F$ck!

I am sick AGAIN! I wasted an entire weekend and a day off whining and complaining because I was sick yet again. I finally had a weekend that I didn't have to do anything except the actually things I wanted to do for myself and nothing. Absolutely nothing got done. No costume for this weekends party. No Christmas decorations hung. No gifts for Mr. Spaghettibenders last day of exams - NOTHING DONE!

Now I have only 5 days to come up with a 1977 inspired costume. So I was thinking either white go-go boots and short micro mini dress

or maybe a princess Leia since Star wars came out in 1977

Oh, I don't have the time to do this. Was Charlie's Angels out yet? Maybe I should look into that.