Monday, September 29, 2008


I have noticed that bad things always happen when I can't talk to Mr. Spaghtettibender. On Saturday he was in a Wedding. They had started the party early with breakfast at 8am. So off he went. I dragged my lazy ass out of bed only to plop down on the sofa and avoid doing anything. Finally I thought I should get my butt in the shower if I wanted to dry and curl my hair before the Wedding. So there I am enjoying a nice warm shower when that horrible feeling rushes over my body.

Faint, sick... I'm going to pass out.

I sit myself down and turn the shower to cool. I start to cry wishing Mr. SB was here to take care of me. Then who opens the shower door - my night in shining armour. I told him I almost passed out again. He said okay I'm staying here until you are okay. I told him I was feeling better but he didn't care he was staying until I was feeling 100%. So I got out of the shower and threw on some warm clothes.

I was feeling better - look I am walk and talking... now go to the grooms and get ready for the wedding day.

Finally he left and I finished getting ready. I decide to try out my handy new steamer gadget - which sucked ass. But while I was swearing and complaining to myself the phone rang. I let it go to the answering machine since earlier it was all telephone solicitors. It was my Obgyn. I ran to pick up the phone, thinking in my head "why would she call on a Saturday". She went on to tell me that my last ultrasound looked good, the baby was developing nicely.

You could tell there was a BUT.

And there it was but we have seen that your placenta is lying low. So we need you to abstain from sex and exercise until your 30wk ultrasound. I was stunned. She went on the say the baby was fine and all the other results of tests were fine but she needed me to take things easy until my next ultrasound.

I hung up the phone and lost it. I'm sorry but when someone tells you not to have sex for the next 10wks that sends off warning bells in my head. So being alone and not having Mr. SB to talk to I do the most ridiculous thing. I look up low lying placenta on the internet.


Don't ever look things up when your doctor doesn't seem that worried. I read all about bleeding, loosing the baby, loosing your own life... it wasn't pretty.

So I continued to cry. I didn't know who to talk to or what to do. I didn't want to call Mr. SB and get him all freaked out when he had a Wedding to take part in. So I just tried to finish getting ready and hope that when I finally do see him at the ceremony that I don't loose it.

Luckily the phone rings and it is him. I immediately start to cry and only get out the words the doctor called before continuing my out of control crying. Finally I calm down and tell him what the doctor said. I explain that I am just really emotional right now and it isn't as bad as I am making it out to be. Poor him. Not being there when the doctor called to ask her his own questions.

So I am still a little unsure of what is going to happen. Everything on the internet says that the placenta can move up and away from the cervix by the next 30wk ultrasound but honestly 10wks is a long time to wait and find out.

I was starting to get over the nausea and I was really hoping to start exercising again. I don't know what I can and can't do anymore. The doctor said I can do light walking but nothing to strenuous like long hikes.

Great. Now Mr. SB won't let me do anything. I lifted a tray of cold cuts at a party and he got made at me... this is going to be a very long 10wks.

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