Thursday, September 18, 2008

We have a leak!

When I got home last night I realized - from the excitement of one of my fur babies that Mr. Spaghettibender hadn't feed them. So off I trotted to get the giant bag of cat food and fill up their bin. When I was downstairs I noticed some of the new concrete looked wet. As I walked over to it I stepped in something wet. First reaction - cat pee - ew! But nope it was actually water leaking out from a crack between the new and old concrete. I couldn't wait for Mr. Spaghettibender to get home and fill him in on this.

Then off I went to look at my long list of things to do before this weekend. I was hopefully that Mr. Spaghettibender would have been able to help me with stuff but from the state of the house yesterday I'm not holding my breathe.

What is a girl to do when she has less than 3 days to get her house ready for a baby shower and a husband who is determined to make things worse.

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