Wednesday, September 10, 2008

just as I suspected.

When we went to my first obgyn appointment the other day she looked over my IPS testing and said hum... then she did some calculations and determined my due date falls on Mr. Spaghettibenders bday. Just like I thought would happen. Told him on Fathers day and baby due on his bday = ) so funny.

Then we had to make our next ultrasound appointment ourselves. So we rushed home only to find out the ultrasound clinic closes early on Fridays. So I wait and waited for Monday to schedule my appointment. It is really hard with Mr. Spaghettibender being in school. I have only two days a week he is available. So once I finally get through they tell me the date - my bday! So we will find out the babies sex on my bday.

I am still so worried it is a girl. I just can't imagine having little girls. I mean if the second one is a girl I'm okay but I can't imagine having only girls. I am just not that girly and will have a hard time dealing with a child that might be extremely girly. I know, I know she could be a total tomb boy like her mom = )

So 2wks until we find out.

Until then I am planning another Baby shower for my best friend. She is due in less than 5wks and even though the baby is high risk she is doing really well. I can't wait to meet her little one. I really have to get my nauseated pregnant butt in gear and get ready for this party. I really have no idea what kind of games to play. Really do people car if they play games???

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