Monday, June 9, 2008

No it's not too hot

It's just right ... if I lived by the ocean. I tried to make it without air conditioning but I caved once the thermostat hit 26 in the house. I just can't sleep at that temp.

Went to see Sex and the City this weekend. I guess I liked it. I will have to watch it again when it comes out on video, in my own house, where I can cry at will = )

Trying to conceive a child while Mr. Spaghettibender is stressed out by school is really not working for us. He is up until late at night and that isn't conducive to baby making. I still can't believe I am trying to have a child - what the hell am I thinking?!?

I think I am lazy. But I would really like to know what people without children do once they finish work. T

This was a typical day for me before Spring classes began. I got up at 5:45 so I can shower and make it to work for 7am. I worked an extra 50mins a day so I can have every second Monday off which means I finish work at 3:50pm. I turning the key in the door at roughly 4:20pm. Then watching either Oprah, Tyra or Ellen... just realized they are all one women, one name shows... I start getting dinner ready. At about 5pm Mr. Spaghettibender is usually home and we would eat dinner. I have no idea what I do between 6 and 7:30pm but I believe it has a lot to do with nothing. At 7:30ish I start to pump myself for going into the basement to get ready for a workout. I usually run on the treadmill for at least 30mins and then do some weights all while watching whatever programs I can find on the tv. The next thing I know it is after 9pm and I would get washed up and ready for bed. I was in bed at 10pm and hopefully asleep by 10:30 or 11pm.

Now these days I am still getting up at the same time. Mr. Spaghettibender is driving me and my bike to work so I can bike home afterwards. That puts me in the door at roughly 4:30pm. I watch the rest of the girly shows. I watch whatever crap I can find on at 5pm. I then start dinner at 6pm cause Mr. Spaghettibender doesn't finish class until 7pm so we eat whenever he gets home. That means by 8pm I might go into the basement and do some weights or lay on the sofa surfing the tv for something ... anything to watch. The next thing I know it is 10pm and I have to get my ass to bed.

How the hell is it possible that I am less active in the summer? I need a new routine! Hopefully everything will change after Mr.Spaghettibender's classes finish this week. No more having dinner at 7pm so I can eat earlier and workout like before... unless I am just too lazy.

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