Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I did it.

I went home after work last night and I didn't just lay around. After walking in the door I took the salmon out of the fridge and got it all ready to marinate. I then went down to the basement and ran on the treadmill for 30mins followed by some weights and get this - a pilates video. So that took me until almost 6:30 so I started getting the rest of dinner ready. Then once Mr. Spaghettibender came home we had dinner and after dinner ... what for it ... I didn't sit there on the sofa watching tv ... I know it is amazing. I did however go out into the muggy hot bug infested front yard to pull weeds. I did that until almost 9pm and then I watch a bit of tv before going off to lala land.

Let see if I can keep this up.

Tonight I'm biking home from work. Yes in this sweltering 39C heat. Maybe if I'm really lucky those thunder and lightening storms that were suppose to get us yesterday will finally make it here for my bike ride home.

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