Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Valentine's Day pre-game

So Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I know it is going to suck. Mr. Spaghettibender had two mid-terms today and then he has two more on Friday. So needless to say he is keeping his nose plastered to his textbooks and I'll be lucky to get a kiss... let alone any action = )

Since he doesn't actually have any classes tomorrow, I decided to plan a nice long Valentine's day for him. Every hour from the moment he wakes up until "I" go to bed he will have a present. I just thought since he will be home all day studying - insert yawn here! - that I would help break up the time with little gifts. Everything from heart shaped cookies, to chocolate, to cute silk boxers to "love" coupons = )

I know, I know I'm cheesy but hey he is worth the effort.

What is everyone else up to?

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