Friday, February 15, 2008

Another Val Day gone

It was a pretty good day. I was seriously busy at work but I managed to take a lunch break and take best friend J to the mall. She was looking for bibs that say "I love Grandpa" and I knew I had seen them at the mall or at least at this place that embroiders clothes. So off we went at lunch and low and behold I found exactly what she was looking for not in one store but two stores. Her and her husband have been to over 6 stores looking for these bibs - even the same stores we found them in. Although I didn't realize she wanted a bib that said "Je t'aime Grandpapa" otherwise I would have went across the river to frenchland for that. But she had it printed at the t-shirt shop instead.

I am so surprised she is already pregnant. The tried the first month by just doing it near her time of ovulating but she didn't get pregnant so for the second month they did it every day or every other day and wham! she's pregnant. I am so excited for them. I wish I was pregnant now. I am so scared that once we start trying it won't happen and we'll wish we started sooner. Oh well, maybe I'll start a tad bit sooner and that way if it happens we'll just have to deal with it.

What is wrong with me? At one point in life I said I didn't want kids - although I don't know if that is because I always had this little nagging voice in my head telling me I wouldn't be able to have kids. You see I've had just about everything done to my va-j-j that you can think of. Ovarian cyst surgery and LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure) for abnormal cervical cells. And now with me going off the pill and having very irregular menstruation cycles, what else is a girl suppose to think.

So it is now a waiting game until we start trying we'll never know.

p.s. thank you Mr. Spaghettibender for a fabulous dinner of lobster and scallops - yum!

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