Monday, February 18, 2008

Man it's icy

Yesterday while leaving a 41yrs olds bday party that was thrown by the guys mom , Mr. Spaghettibender slipped down the concrete stairs... ouch! He's okay though, a couple of scrapes to his hand/wrists but no bruises. He was lucky to cushion the fall and keep his ribs away from the cement.

He was asked to be a groomsman in an upcoming fall wedding for his cousin. I was really hoping he wouldn't be asked. It is just an expense we don't need in September with him back at school and not working.

I was hoping to see my little nephew on Sunday but my brother-in-law was sick and so they didn't come to the bday party. = ( Supposedly he has started to become a fussy eater and isn't wanting to eat anything that is placed near him. My sister-in-law is really worried. She thinks he is already too skinny. I think he looks fine but supposedly he is underweight for his age and height. I figure if he eats and sleeps and seems happy than stop focusing on his weight. And they wonder why we develop eating issues.

Today is family day but since I work for the federal government I don't get the day off. The rest of the city is in sleep mode but here I am at work. So weird, even the busses were on Sunday service. Kinda makes is harder for all the government workers to get into work. Oh well I guess I can't complain - we have it pretty good. I think I'll take off Friday to make up for it = )

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