Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy Canada Day!

Yesterday was Canada Day and although I'm proud to be Canadian... it sucks that I can't celebrate like one. We arrived at one pool/bbq party with some of our friends only to have people talk about when we were finally going to have kids. In my head "ha, suckers I'm already pregnant" But really the joke was on me as I watched them down their finally chilled alcoholic beverages = (
Then off we went to another bbq at my brother-in-laws place. As soon as we arrived I wanted to return to the first one. Where they had trays of veggies, fruit, chips and salsa. This would have been a followed by a fabulous bbq feast I'm sure. But no we were at my brother-in-laws where I saw old shrivelled up tiny hot dog all by their lonesome in a dish. They had started the burgers on the bbq as we arrived but I have no idea how long the dogs had just been sitting there. My stomach was so hungry so I said screw it and got a burger - BAD, very bad idea. The burgers were horrible. Even Mr. Spaghettibender barely ate his. Then we were supplied with chips. Lots and lots of chips.
Great, I was so happy we would be there for the rest of the evening.
As the evening slowly crept by I realized something. I tolerate his family much better when I'm drinking.
Well I hope the rest of the world had a fabulous Canada Day!

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