Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what is wrong with me

So I have an ongoing affliction with bladder infections. I get them all the time. To the point where every time I have sex I pop an antibiotic right afterwards to stop an infection from festering. Well I am tired of it. I hate taking pills and I hate that half the time I forget and get a full on case of UTI.

I'm curious if the infliction started when I was young and would go to my doctors office for a physical and after the urine test they would always ask me if I had a bladder infection. Did I have burning when urinating or any discomfort... no nothing. Well lets but you on antibiotic anyways.

Well let me tell you - when I finally had a real bladder infection I knew. They come on so fast that if I don't have antibiotic on hand I'm peeing blood in a matter of an hour.

So after many doctor's telling me why they think I continuously get infection I've come to the conclusion that nobody has a flippin' idea.

It has affected my life in so many ways. It is one of the main reasons I went off birth control. What was the point of being on it if every time I had a infection and took my antibiotic it nulled my birth control.

When will this nonsense stop??!!! I am tired - tired I say! I am tired of taking these damn pills.

Okay I'm glad I got that off my chest.

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