Monday, March 3, 2008

Your not a dog.

Yesterday Mr. Spaghettibender and I were patching up some walls before we put our last coat of paint on them. Mr. Spaghettibender had made a mess of drywall pieces on the floor in which I was bend down cleaning up at the corner of our front window. As I'm kneeling there I look outside to see two teenagers - a boy and a girl and the boy is peeing in the snow... in broad daylight right across from my house. The girl is hanging onto the guy and laughing as he is doing this. WTF is wrong with this world. So I yell for Mr. Spaghettibender to take a look.

As they continue to walk down the street you can see his signature in the snow bank. I say to Mr. spaghettibender wouldn't it be funny to follow them to the house they are going to and let their parents know. He says ya that would be and flies to the front door coat in hand.

He comes back a couple of minutes later and tells me he gave them shit for urinating on his property when the kid said he lived there - doh! Yes, that was our new neighbors oldest son who decided his home bathroom wasn't good enough so he went outside. Mr. Spaghettibender says to the kid - are you a dog or something - I think your parents raised you better than that. Bahhhh!!! I just can't imagine my husband giving this kid shit. Too funny for a Sunday afternoon.

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