Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I always look forward to St. Patrick's Day - I make shamrock chocolates to follow green food and drinks. I try to make something traditional to holla out to my heritage, but this year nothin'. I was just so lazy this weekend. I was tired all week and looked forward to sleeping lots but I just never felt rested.

Especially today, I went to bed at 1am and my alarm goes off at 5:30. WTF! Let me rest damn alarm - oh wait I have to come into work.

Why you may ask did I go to bed on the eve of such a great day. Because at about 10pm last night I heard a noise on the deck. It sounded like someone walking across the shoveled path crunching all the ice as they walked. I was totally freaked out. Even my cats were freaked. So I looked outside to see if Mr. Spaghettibender was home... nope, no car. So I ran to the kitchen and through on the lights to show someone was home. I then heard more ice crunching and the cats arched their back - which freaked me out more. I then remembered we had flood lights so I went to the back door and turned them on. I waited a minute or two and looked outside.

The shoveled path was too close to the house so I couldn't see from the windows if there was any tracks in the snow. I was petrified. You see as a young child I heard a noise one night that woke me up but I thought nothing of it until later on in the night when I called for my mom and some man with a stocking over his head brought her to me. It ended with me being tied up in the basement with a gun pointed to my head telling me not to move. So lets just say I'm a little bit of a scardy cat when it comes to noises in my house.

I waited around with the flood lights on for Mr. Spaghettibender to get home. He finally strolls in at midnight. I tell him what happens and he goes outside to investigate. Turns out it was raccoons. I had thought it might have been some pretty heavy raccoons but I wasn't going outside by myself to check the tracks. So by the time I got to bed it was 1am and I was exhausted from all the terror.

So here I sit thinking about what fun St. Patty's Day could have been if I wasn't so tired. If I had one drink it would knock me right out. I suck!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Oh my goodness! What a horrible thing to have happend to you. That would be enough to put me on guard too.

I tend to get freaked out when hubby isn't home because our house backs onto a field and forest. Sometimes we can hear people messing around in the ravine (sound really carries across the field). It gets freaky.

I actually keep a mag light in my bedside table. It's great for the many power outages that we seem to get, but it also doubles as a weapon. It makes me feel better when hubs is away.