Thursday, January 31, 2008

Nature of things in my backyard

I don't know if it is closer to predator or the nature of things.

Our little hawk friend was spotted in our backyard eating what I think was a bird and what I'm hoping was a morning dove - yes I'm cruel.

Do you like the leg in his mouth? = ) It took him forever to eat the thing though. I would say he was there for almost 2hrs.
It was so disturbing to watch but like an accident I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Review of Untraceable

Okay so I love going to movies and I wasn't interested in untraceable until I saw a pretty good trailer for it. I read lots of reviews saying it was not even worth 2 stars out of 5. But I usually don't agree with critics - especially anyone that liked Fargo or Kill Bill so off we went to the theater on Sunday night.

When will the writers strike end?!?!

I thought the movie was pretty entertaining up until the end... when you think - come on! Look in the backseat like most human beings in your situation! So I don't think I would give it 2 stars but maybe 4 stars. It was entertaining.

The worst part of the movie - the jackass's sitting behind me comment and reiterating everything in the movie. I really thought I was going to loose it. I turned around once trying to give them the idea - shut the F$ck up but they didn't care. The quietest they were was when they answered their cell phones. The were three black teenagers with an attitude. At the end when the FBI agent survives being killed they yelled out for her to die... I wanted to take a billy bat to them. Oops, that isn't politically correct - whatever I would say the same thing to three white teenagers annoying me... but I didn't say a thing and neither did Mr. Spaghettibender - what was most surprising.

So all in all the movie experience that night sucked! I didn't pay $10 a ticket to be annoyed by three teenagers. Damn Sunday night!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

David Suzuki

Would have liked to have heard his lecture last night at Ottawa U but Mr. Spaghettibender only got a ticket for himself. "I didn't think you'd want to go!" Why not ask me before buying the ticket!

I am trying to become more environmentally aware. I believe that every little bit helps so I try to do my part. I didn't run the snowblower the other day but instead shovelled the snow. Really, unless it is tons of sticky wet snow I'm sure we can handle it - we aren't 80 or anything.

Next thing I really want to do is buy environmentally friendly cleaning products. I work in a lab so I don't want to be dealing with chemicals when I go home too.

I heard there was some good one called Method that you can buy at Shoppers drug mart but then I hear that the countertop cleaner leaves a soapy residue and the same thing about the bathroom cleaners. Hum, maybe I can find a website out there that rates these products... lets go check.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Where does the time go?

I can't believe we are already the 22 of January. Where the hell did the month go.

My newest goal. To get a basal thermometer and start charting my temperature. I know it seems silly but I just want to know what is going on with me before we start trying to have a baby. My periods, I thought were become more predictable at 45days but - nah! So if I can understand when I might be ovulating that might make me feel less stressed.

It is strange to hear me take about having kids. I never ever saw myself with kids. I saw myself with pets but not kids. But whenever I picture Christmas I always picture having kids. So at some point this year we will start trying to have kids.

I am looking forward to getting pregnant and then making a must-complete-list for Mr. Spaghettibender. One in which I can't help him with since I am pregnant. Hee, hee, hee. I am so evil. But come-on I am so tired of renovations. I would rather save up the money and pay someone else to do it. I just don't want to do anymore sanding or drywall or painting.

Okay but I want to decorate a babies room. The bedroom we would use is screaming out to be decorated. I love anything I can do around a theme =)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Not that bad

I think me thinking that a Destination Wedding vacation with some of our friends was going to be horrific made the vacation better. Starting at the bottom meant there was nowhere to go but up.

So we had a pretty good time with our friends in Punta Cana. Although we never got a real chance to relax. There was just always something to do or someone to talk to. So now we are paying for it. I barely make it through the work day. I am so tired. Now it could be the lack of sunlight compared to the overindulgence we became accustom to but I doubt that.

So now I have to get back into the swing of things again... but honestly, I still too tired.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

thanks for the memories!

Wow, another year bits the dust. Usually on New Years I like to think about what has been going on in my life and what is to come but ... this year I was too drunk! Honestly I don't even remember it hitting midnight. I am going to assume I kissed my husband but truthfully I can't remember. = )

Let see what has been going on in our lives this last year. Actually this year was rather busy. I was a maid of honour in my best friends Wedding so that took up a lot of my time. Mr. Spaghettibender got laid off but was already enrolled in University so that wasn't such a big deal, him going to University was. And I started a new job. Sure there was other little events here and there but that tops the list.

Now I have 3 days to go until we go away for our first ever destination wedding. I would love to take a day off to rest up but does that really make any sense to rest up for a vacation?