Wednesday, August 22, 2007

So much work, so little time

Why do we start renovation hell when we have scheduled get-together at our house. We... scratch that Mr. Spaghettibender decide that we needed to finally put an archway into our livingroom and an opening into our diningroom. Well fast forward a couple of weeks and we are currently in drywall hell. This stuff gets into the air and spreads in dusty seed everywhere. I partially blame Mr. Sb because he didn't tape the room off but it honestly would have been hard to do. So now we are frantically trying to put everything back together by the long weekend - which is quickly striding towards us. Then on top of it he invites a friend and his new girlfriend over for this weekend. Do men think???

I did jump in and take the other job but then got reeled back in when they were told it wasn't going to be that easy. But my new boss is on holidays until next week so I can't do much about it.

This month is flying by. I was hoping to have some time with Mr. Spaghettibender before he head off to school but I doubt that is going to happen with our project list being longer than my arms. = (

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So confused and excited at the same time.

Late Friday afternoon before I was going to leave work a former colleague of mine offered me a job. Okay, he didn't offer me a job but his boss was interested in offering me a job. He told me that he had an assignment for a year in another building and they are looking for someone to replace him. They were interested in deploying me to his job at a higher level. Now I'm no fool. I know you can't deploy someone to a higher level you can only deploy at the same level. But then they said they could put me in an acting position at the higher level until they reclassify me to the higher level - what?!!!

My current boss can't even do that. I have been waiting for over 2yrs to be reclassified only to be told it can't happen. I have no idea what to do. This job is in a great division and they really try to keep people and show their appreciation for your hard work. But it will involve doing animal work - not exactly my cup of tea. But everything else about the job sounds great. I am still near my old colleagues - down the hall and our two division often have parties together.

I guess there really isn't anything else to do but jump in with both feet.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Friend or foe

So we are still teetering with the idea of leaving "the group" and going with a direct flight. Yes, some of our other friends that already jumped ship with no regrets but we are just too darn nice. We did however get a call from the groom and he mentioned 3 more people are going to be booking and that would give them the #s so we could leave. But in the same breath he said that if another couple that we know leave that would make them short on #s. So do we say screw it like some of our friends and let them deal with the #s or should we be good friends and suck it up?

Interesting how your body works

Since I have decided to go off the pill in March after 16yrs. I have got 3 periods. That right 3. And at least two of them I wouldn't even count as periods. Lets see how many months that is - 6. Well my body isn't happy with me.

I went to my doctor and do you know what she told me - I'm not worried as long as you get 4 a year. WHAT??!! I am a woman that wants to have kids in the next year and you think this is okay. She actually told me it will just be harder for me to conceive - duh! I'm sorry but is it that hard for you to just fill out a form and let me go for an ultrasound to make sure thing are alright? I swear my doctor hates to fill out form and send people for anything. I mean after 3yrs I finally asked if I could have some blood work done with my physicals just to make sure things are in the right range. I really need to change doctors.

Two of my girlfriends have the same doctor and they say the same thing about her. She doesn't like to send you for tests or to give you medication unless you cry for it. I think she is a little bit of a "natural" person - not exactly what I want in a doctor.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Horrible Blogger

I am a horrible blogger - I realize nobody reads my blog so there is nobody to complain when I don't update it in a month. But still I complain about other bloggers not updating so I should kick myself for not doing the same.

What has been keeping me busy since July 10th. Well the next day we got a phone call stating that my Aunt, who was battling cancer was loosing the fight. My mom and I went up to visit her in Renfrew. She seemed good. She didn't look all that great - very, very skinny. But she was coherent and she joked with me... not at all what I expect. So we left and came home about dinner time. I get a phone call at work the next morning and my mom is crying. So I say I'll bring her up to see my Aunt again since they didn't give her until the end of the day. Again, we get up there and she looks the same but she is still in the same good spirits???? We are puzzled. But supposedly her body is shutting down. So we stay up until about 9pm that night. I decided to take off the next day as well and go up with Mr. SB. He couldn't get over how tiny she was - just skin and bones. The fight continued through the weekend and just before we were going to head up on Monday she passed away. So sad - the wake was Tuesday and the funeral was Wednesday. I guess the family just wanted to try and get everything done so they could have some rest. I am glad she didn't suffer for long. I HATE CANCER!

On a happier note, I am now officially married to a freshman! Mr. SB is going to University this fall. I guess he won't actually be a freshman since they gave him credits for some of his college courses so he will only have to do 2yrs. Now the $$$ pinch begins.

Now we have an ongoing dilemma with the Wedding we were invited to in Punta Cana. See it seems what we thought would be a direct flight is not. We have to transfer in Toronto which at first is a little inconvenient until you hear that the day we leave Punta Cana we fly into T.O. at 2am and our flight to Ottawa leaves at 7am... WTF!!! So there is direct flights but we would have to bail on the group. Which some of our friends have done but us being so 'nice' - which never seems to work out for us. We contacted the Wedding couple and found out that they need a certain # of people to get a larger discount ... so do we screw with the #'s so they can give everyone a $60 discount or do we - as some of our friends have done just say screw it and book our own trip?!?! Oh the dilemma.