Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another day another dollar

Honestly I have no idea how I became so sick. It started Friday night after hubbies Christmas party so I blamed it on food poisoning. But then when I came into work they stated that everyone from our Christmas potluck got sick - food poisoning?? Then we find out that people in our building not at the Christmas party were also sick. Eire! Maybe it is Norwalk virus that has been spread through our air systems. Whatever it was or should I say is since I still feel the symptoms I never want to get it again.

But all that is on my mind right now is coffee. I want an irish cream coffee from the cafeteria. I am cold and missing all the sugar I usually add to my coffee. Now the question is ... will my stomach be able to handle a coffee or will I die at work from stomach cramps. Ah, the agony of my world - coffee or no coffee.

Okay the real agony of my world is Christmas shopping. I mean come on people come up with a list of things you want and give it to your family. It really isn't that hard. I mean whether you're a man or woman you have to want something in life that you don't already own. I am so frustrated. There is only 5 days left until Christmas and I still have lots of gifts to still get. Being sick didn't help. Malls suck and they super duper suck when you aren't feeling well.

Again, I am sensing a bah-humbug theme to my posts.

Happy holidays to all!! : )

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