Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And it begins...

Since my poor husband and my poor friends have to hear my ramblings about my new found family, I've decided to save them some earache by starting a blog. You see I have just married into an Italian family and although I knew what I was getting into I believed we could control our destiny. WRONG.

If you have ever seen the movie Mambo Italiano then you have a perfect idea of what I am dealing with. My husbands is the first generation born in Canada. His mother and father both come from Italy and they are very traditional. Until the day his father could no longer handle begin married to his psycho mother and got a divorce. Sham was then laid upon him and his brother for choosing to stay with a bastardo like his father instead of living with their mother. And that is how the terror began.

Skip forward only maybe 3yrs when I came into the picture still on the heals of backlash from the family. I am now dealing with a MIL that is the devil reincarnated ... we actually have to screen our calls to avoid her, we have thought about putting a block on our phone so we didn't have to deal with her tyrants but we're too cheap :) A FIL that hasn't taken the time to enjoy life one bit since the divorce - although from his ranting and raving I really do think he is happier being miserable. I have to deal with two brother that have problems all of their own. One that is so destructive only for the attention he receives afterwards and another that job in life is just to call my house 20 times a day.

Honestly I have no idea when I am going to snap but since we are still in our 'newlywed' stage, I am trying to hold it together a bit longer.

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