Saturday, December 30, 2006

Happy New Year!

I have to admit that I am very happy that this month is almost over. Honestly the amount of Italian family function we have had in the last month is getting on my nerves. All the kissing and pretending that the family isn't annoyed with each other is just getting under my skin. They are even complaining that only the grown ups are allowed at the New Years Eve feast. Even though we are in our 30's we aren't part of that crowd. Good... thank god... now I won't have to hear them complain about all the work and yet when you offer to help the snicker and say no,no, we enjoy entertaining - sure!

I am actually very excited for 2007. My best friend is getting married and I am the maid of honour... now that I am married am I the matron of honour?? Oh who cares - I am so overwhelmed with excitement for them both. Plus I thought this would take the pressure off of me having kids but nope they still expect me to get pregnant. I came up with the best comeback for them now - it took him 10yrs to marry me and now that this is in my court I'll have kids when "I'm" ready. Honestly, I realized that I'm not getting any younger but as what if we had been trying all this time (okay we have only been married 5 months) but still what if we were having trouble conceiving. Would we really need the added pressure of everyone asking us if we were pregnant ever other weekend??

Oh the fun for marrying an Italian! I don't think I ever expect this amount of family involvement in our lives. I mean my husband and his brother talk on the phone every night - even though they work together every day! Strange -ya! Strange is an understatement. Oh well, I look forward to new and better things in 2007.

Happy New Years every one!

Hope to post more often in 2007.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Another day another dollar

Honestly I have no idea how I became so sick. It started Friday night after hubbies Christmas party so I blamed it on food poisoning. But then when I came into work they stated that everyone from our Christmas potluck got sick - food poisoning?? Then we find out that people in our building not at the Christmas party were also sick. Eire! Maybe it is Norwalk virus that has been spread through our air systems. Whatever it was or should I say is since I still feel the symptoms I never want to get it again.

But all that is on my mind right now is coffee. I want an irish cream coffee from the cafeteria. I am cold and missing all the sugar I usually add to my coffee. Now the question is ... will my stomach be able to handle a coffee or will I die at work from stomach cramps. Ah, the agony of my world - coffee or no coffee.

Okay the real agony of my world is Christmas shopping. I mean come on people come up with a list of things you want and give it to your family. It really isn't that hard. I mean whether you're a man or woman you have to want something in life that you don't already own. I am so frustrated. There is only 5 days left until Christmas and I still have lots of gifts to still get. Being sick didn't help. Malls suck and they super duper suck when you aren't feeling well.

Again, I am sensing a bah-humbug theme to my posts.

Happy holidays to all!! : )

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Office politics

Who comes into my work area today but my ex-boss, wearing a Santa hat and beard. He hands me a Christmas card and one for my co-worker who isn't in yet.

Why, oh why did my ex-boss get me a card... which had a gift certificate inside. He does this every year and every year I hate it. You see my ex-boss is my ex-boss for many reasons, the main reason being I asked for a transfer since he keeps denying me from getting a promotion. And why does he do this you ask, because I pissed off HIS boss by not organizing social events at work. Anyways, now one of my fellow co-workers wants us to put in $20 towards a gift certificate for him - what the F$ck! I am not going in on a $80 gift for my boss. It might seem rather scrooge-like of me but he really doesn't deserve it. I am very generous to people but only ones that deserve my generosity. He definitely isn't one of them. Bah-humbug!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

And it begins...

Since my poor husband and my poor friends have to hear my ramblings about my new found family, I've decided to save them some earache by starting a blog. You see I have just married into an Italian family and although I knew what I was getting into I believed we could control our destiny. WRONG.

If you have ever seen the movie Mambo Italiano then you have a perfect idea of what I am dealing with. My husbands is the first generation born in Canada. His mother and father both come from Italy and they are very traditional. Until the day his father could no longer handle begin married to his psycho mother and got a divorce. Sham was then laid upon him and his brother for choosing to stay with a bastardo like his father instead of living with their mother. And that is how the terror began.

Skip forward only maybe 3yrs when I came into the picture still on the heals of backlash from the family. I am now dealing with a MIL that is the devil reincarnated ... we actually have to screen our calls to avoid her, we have thought about putting a block on our phone so we didn't have to deal with her tyrants but we're too cheap :) A FIL that hasn't taken the time to enjoy life one bit since the divorce - although from his ranting and raving I really do think he is happier being miserable. I have to deal with two brother that have problems all of their own. One that is so destructive only for the attention he receives afterwards and another that job in life is just to call my house 20 times a day.

Honestly I have no idea when I am going to snap but since we are still in our 'newlywed' stage, I am trying to hold it together a bit longer.