Thursday, October 30, 2008

What was I thinking?

Honestly I have not put any thought into the babies room what the hell made me think I could carve one pumpkin let alone 4. I know I usually do 10 but that is when I am actually excited about Halloween. I am not excited about anything these days.

Actually that isn't true. I got excited about an email saying I might actually have work to do starting next week. Woo hoo - p.a.r.t.y!

I am one sad human being but honestly sitting at work reading blogs really does get boring after a while. I even tried to get Mr. Spaghettibender to give me some of his homework to do = )

You would think I would be blogging more - but I have nothing to do in my life. I am not allowed to do anything strenuous, I can't have sex, Mr. Spaghettibender is busy with school, my best friend is dealing with her own baby woes. What the hell am I suppose to do with myself? So needless to say there isn't anything for me to blog about.

I will try and do better.

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