Thursday, October 30, 2008

What was I thinking?

Honestly I have not put any thought into the babies room what the hell made me think I could carve one pumpkin let alone 4. I know I usually do 10 but that is when I am actually excited about Halloween. I am not excited about anything these days.

Actually that isn't true. I got excited about an email saying I might actually have work to do starting next week. Woo hoo - p.a.r.t.y!

I am one sad human being but honestly sitting at work reading blogs really does get boring after a while. I even tried to get Mr. Spaghettibender to give me some of his homework to do = )

You would think I would be blogging more - but I have nothing to do in my life. I am not allowed to do anything strenuous, I can't have sex, Mr. Spaghettibender is busy with school, my best friend is dealing with her own baby woes. What the hell am I suppose to do with myself? So needless to say there isn't anything for me to blog about.

I will try and do better.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


My hormones are all over the place. I feel like I have so much stuff to look into and consider and my brain is swirling. The other day I ended up in the shower crying so Mr. Spaghettibender didn't see me.

He is so focused on school that I feel like I am going through this pregnancy on my own. Then he'll do his typical scenario of chiming in once I have spent hours investigating things and making me change everything. For instance our crib. I had looked into many cribs and cost etc. I finally decided on one for Sears that was solid wood and on sale for $320. That was fine at first until he saw another defective one, well defect in the stain, that he wanted instead because it was $399 and it came with a mattress. Since we had already bought the Sears one I wasn't about to go back and return it. But if it mattered to him that much then whatever he wanted to do I was fine with. We were at the store for over an hour waiting for him to make up his mind. I was so annoyed. A fight erupted.

My thoughts. I already bought a crib so I don't personally want to return it and buy another one. If this is something he wants to do then he can go ahead. WHY THE HELL DOES IT TAKE HIM SO LONG TO DECIDE. Then he says that it has to be "our" decision. I thought I was going to strangle the life out of him right there in the crib section.

So after what felt like a gazzilion hours we left the store to go look at our previous purchased bed.

End result after over 5hrs of dragging around a pregnant person. We returned our original crib purchase. Employees at Babies R Us are useless. We found 3 stroller that we liked that were over $400. We didn't find a dresser and my feet were killing me.

All I want is to actually knock off some items on our baby list.

On a lighter note. I have two Baby showers coming up. So both hostesses asked me to get a registry together. So I struggled and checked reviews and polled friends on things I needed to place on the list. The invited went out last week and there is already some stuff bought for our little Spaghettibender = )

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Congrats to the my BF!

Yesterday my best friends water broke - okay more like the drain plug came out a bit. Finally after waiting for contraction and nothing happening she went to the hospital. That is when she was induced.

When I first found out she was in labour I cried. Anyone I ran into I told and I got all teary eyed again. I went home and waited to hear from her ... I cried some more. All this crying was purely because I was excited for her.

She finally called me at 11:30 last night to tell me they had a little baby girl. Ahhh! They had wanted to wait until the birth to find out what they were having. Unfortunately because of a previously known heart defect the baby was whisked out of her arms before they could decide on a name.

I am now sitting here at my desk not wanting to leave in fear that she will call. I am hoping that everything went okay with the baby overnight. But here I sit waiting and hoping ... this is going to be one very long day.