Wednesday, March 19, 2008

what is wrong with me

So I have an ongoing affliction with bladder infections. I get them all the time. To the point where every time I have sex I pop an antibiotic right afterwards to stop an infection from festering. Well I am tired of it. I hate taking pills and I hate that half the time I forget and get a full on case of UTI.

I'm curious if the infliction started when I was young and would go to my doctors office for a physical and after the urine test they would always ask me if I had a bladder infection. Did I have burning when urinating or any discomfort... no nothing. Well lets but you on antibiotic anyways.

Well let me tell you - when I finally had a real bladder infection I knew. They come on so fast that if I don't have antibiotic on hand I'm peeing blood in a matter of an hour.

So after many doctor's telling me why they think I continuously get infection I've come to the conclusion that nobody has a flippin' idea.

It has affected my life in so many ways. It is one of the main reasons I went off birth control. What was the point of being on it if every time I had a infection and took my antibiotic it nulled my birth control.

When will this nonsense stop??!!! I am tired - tired I say! I am tired of taking these damn pills.

Okay I'm glad I got that off my chest.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patty's Day!

I always look forward to St. Patrick's Day - I make shamrock chocolates to follow green food and drinks. I try to make something traditional to holla out to my heritage, but this year nothin'. I was just so lazy this weekend. I was tired all week and looked forward to sleeping lots but I just never felt rested.

Especially today, I went to bed at 1am and my alarm goes off at 5:30. WTF! Let me rest damn alarm - oh wait I have to come into work.

Why you may ask did I go to bed on the eve of such a great day. Because at about 10pm last night I heard a noise on the deck. It sounded like someone walking across the shoveled path crunching all the ice as they walked. I was totally freaked out. Even my cats were freaked. So I looked outside to see if Mr. Spaghettibender was home... nope, no car. So I ran to the kitchen and through on the lights to show someone was home. I then heard more ice crunching and the cats arched their back - which freaked me out more. I then remembered we had flood lights so I went to the back door and turned them on. I waited a minute or two and looked outside.

The shoveled path was too close to the house so I couldn't see from the windows if there was any tracks in the snow. I was petrified. You see as a young child I heard a noise one night that woke me up but I thought nothing of it until later on in the night when I called for my mom and some man with a stocking over his head brought her to me. It ended with me being tied up in the basement with a gun pointed to my head telling me not to move. So lets just say I'm a little bit of a scardy cat when it comes to noises in my house.

I waited around with the flood lights on for Mr. Spaghettibender to get home. He finally strolls in at midnight. I tell him what happens and he goes outside to investigate. Turns out it was raccoons. I had thought it might have been some pretty heavy raccoons but I wasn't going outside by myself to check the tracks. So by the time I got to bed it was 1am and I was exhausted from all the terror.

So here I sit thinking about what fun St. Patty's Day could have been if I wasn't so tired. If I had one drink it would knock me right out. I suck!

Friday, March 14, 2008


I'm so bored at work today. I have done everything possible to keep myself busy until I leave at 2pm. But still the time is just creepy by. I am very excited that it is finally the weekend until I think about the long list of mundane things I have to do.

I really don't know what is more fun, sitting at work with nothing to do or puttying and painting baseboards and doors all weekend. Woo hoo - party on!

okay I might have to have some wine to make it through ... hum, wine ... I think I'm drooling.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Take a look at your past

I guess I should remover the "newly" from the blog title. It has been over a year and a half since I got married so I'm not newly married. Next time.

I just finished reading Dash of diva's blog and she was talking about where has the last five years taken you and where do you expect to be in the next 5yrs.

Let's see where was I 5yrs ago... I had just bought a house with Mr. Spaghettibender and we were in renovation glory. I wasn't married or engaged. I had finally became permanent with the government and life was pretty simple.

In the last 5yrs, I have gotten engaged, married and changed jobs. I have become an aunt and have tried to start a relationship with my biological dad again! Which I really have a hard time trying to keep the connection alive. I thought we would have kids by now but unexpectedly Mr.Spaghettibender has gone back to school so that has been but on hold. But I am extremely happy for him.

Where do I see my life 5yrs from now -with two kids and hopefully done renovations... but I've heard you are never done renovations = ) I see Mr. Spaghettibender finally happy in his new job as a teacher and me taking the summers off to spend with him and our kids. I see me moving up in my field but content with the work I'm doing.

Ah, if only things go as well as planned. That would make me a happy camper.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Snow Day

I honestly think everyone should have had a snow day today. I mean I got stuck in my own lane way - which I then shovelled. But really didn't matter because I got stuck on my street - which is a bit long for me to shovel. Then I get to work and get stuck in the parking lot - twice!

I don't think I was meant to be here today - it should have been a Snow Day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

colour confidence

After lots and lots of debating I finally picked a colour to paint. You see my fireplace is made up of large grey/brownish stones so I couldn't go with a warm colour on the wall - it just looked out of place. But I really wanted to go with a neutral brown colour so the challenge was on. I finally found a colour Antique Brown that I liked but it was Ralph Lauren. I really couldn't justify paying for the name especially if I got it and didn't like it.

So finally I picked a similar colour Brampton Tan and I bought a pint. Ya turns out I love the colour but not with the fireplace. So I picked another colour not so brown called Toasty Grey and I thought it looked so much better with the fireplace. It was not a very warm colour and since the only problem I had with my favourite colour was matching the fireplace I decided to only paint the Toasty Grey on the fireplace wall. I am so excited.

I know it sounds lame but I have hated my house since the day we moved in. You see we bought the house because it was a great deal and in a neighbourhood we loved. But honestly I is not the house I ever pictured myself in. It is a bungalow, which I detest - only my opinion. It has only one bathroom - WTF! And the whole house needed an overhaul. So finally we have some things under control. Walls opened up, fixture and floors updated. But it has been a really slow job. We start project only to finish them to the point of spaces being livable. So the kitchen is half done, same with the bathroom.

So this is why I am so happy with the painting. It just makes such a difference to the space especially with the new openings into the kitchen.

Maybe someday I'll grown to love my house.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Your not a dog.

Yesterday Mr. Spaghettibender and I were patching up some walls before we put our last coat of paint on them. Mr. Spaghettibender had made a mess of drywall pieces on the floor in which I was bend down cleaning up at the corner of our front window. As I'm kneeling there I look outside to see two teenagers - a boy and a girl and the boy is peeing in the snow... in broad daylight right across from my house. The girl is hanging onto the guy and laughing as he is doing this. WTF is wrong with this world. So I yell for Mr. Spaghettibender to take a look.

As they continue to walk down the street you can see his signature in the snow bank. I say to Mr. spaghettibender wouldn't it be funny to follow them to the house they are going to and let their parents know. He says ya that would be and flies to the front door coat in hand.

He comes back a couple of minutes later and tells me he gave them shit for urinating on his property when the kid said he lived there - doh! Yes, that was our new neighbors oldest son who decided his home bathroom wasn't good enough so he went outside. Mr. Spaghettibender says to the kid - are you a dog or something - I think your parents raised you better than that. Bahhhh!!! I just can't imagine my husband giving this kid shit. Too funny for a Sunday afternoon.