Friday, January 5, 2007

what did I do to deserve this

So I am going out with my best friend tonight and what happens yesterday - this monstrous pimple appears. It was horrible. By the time I got home it had started to ooze liquid - great maybe it is infected. Well the whole side of my chin and cheek are swollen as well as part of my lip. I have no idea if I should go see a doctor or something because I can't see a pimple causing this kinda discomfort. My husband reassures me that it is normal and that I don't need to see a doctor. How embarrassing and uncomfortable do I feel today - I think I will hibernate away from everyone at work so nobody has to see my new friend.

Why the hell does a 31 year old have to deal with acne. I want to crawl into a hole and not come out until this has gone away. But I can't have to be a good MOH and go to a bridal show with my best friend tonight - great 1000's of people will stare at me in horror. Plus I just found out there will be lots of cute Firemen at the show promoting their Fireman's calendar ... Damn skin!!!!

I sometimes think that my brain doesn't function like normal people : )

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