Wednesday, January 31, 2007

It was a hit

At Christmas I tired to plan a get together with some friends (couples). I had planned out different hot and cold appetizers, I had prepared fruit, cake, cookies for a chocolate fondue ... I even made a drink menu so I could make different types of Martini's for the gang. I was pretty heart broken when people kept canceling on me. Even Mr Spaghettibender canceled due to a last minute Bachelor party. Honestly what is more fun, hanging with your wife and some friends drinking and socializing or seeing some scantly glad woman gyrating around a stag?? Don't answer that!

So then in rings January and I decide to try again. So Friday night I made some appetizers and had the drink menu on hand - not sure why everyone that it was so funny. My friends think I am so weird for going out of control on all these "events" but I really love theme parties. I just love putting things together and planning out everything. Now executing all of it is a little bit less fun especially if you are dealing with a husband that likes to procrastinate. I can't even count on one hand how many times he has either been mopping the floor or getting out of the shower when company arrives. He's a keeper! On going theme parties: St.Patrick's Day, Canada Day, Halloween - our favourite and Family Christmas Party. I will go all out with food, drinks, decorations sometimes even gift bags. I know, I know, I need help. Feel more sorry for my husband who has to put up with me during these events.

But look at the bright side because of the last event and my little drink menu we found some good martini recipes. One of our favourites

Fruit Tingles
1oz blue curacao
1oz rum
1/2 oz grenadine
3oz lemonade

I drank way too much though. So much so that I got into a heated discussion with Mr SpaghettiBender once everyone left but I can't remember anything except for crying. I don't dare ask him what the hell we were talking about. : ) I am such a loser.

The next event is Valentine's Day, the menu is planned, the gift is bought but I haven't found a card yet. I also want to assemble a CD of music to 'set the mood'. Then I have to get ready for Mr. Spaghettibenders bday. He always wants to throw a party but now that we are older I just think that is going over board. His bday falls during the week so I thought we would have dinner out and then maybe go to the casino - his favourite place on earth. Hopefully I can drag some friends to keep me entertained or I'll have to make some friends at the bar.

I have to plan a Bridal shower before September and before the end of September I have to plan a 50th bday, a 30th bday and a Bachelorette Party. September has always been my favourite month but this year it is going to be very stressful.

Only 14 days to go until I have a crap load of cinnamon heart - whoa hoa!

Monday, January 22, 2007

We'll see

Well yesterday for some reason my hubs started thinking about going back to school. He mentioned going to University and then Teacher's College. Wow, imagine that I would be married to a freshmen. :0

I told him whatever you wanted to do in life I would support but he has to decided this year. I am so excited for you. I don't care that we will have to be solely supported by me. I don't care that we might have to postpone having a family. Really all I want is for him to be happy and prowd of what he does for a living. But, if he does decide to go back to school he needs to do it this fall. We want to have kids and we are getting old and I don't want to wait forever.

Honestly I really wish he had done this back in 2000 but nope. He has worked horrible jobs, been laid off twice but none of that convince him to go back to school. He has tried to become bilingual thinking that might help him out but really if you aren't emerged in it all the time I don't think it is worth it.

So here we are 31 and almost 33 starting back to school. I am really hoping he is going to make a serious go at it but I won't hold my breathe. I gave him the # for the university to call and make an appointment to talk to someone about courses and tuition fees etc. If he doesn't call today I know he isn't going to give this opportunity a shot. I guess we'll see.

Friday, January 19, 2007

I'm bored

I know, I know - some people are very busy in the world. Well, I'm not one of them. It is Friday before lunch and I am extremely bored. Thankfully I am meeting my friend for lunch and that will kill some time but honestly - what the hell am I going to do after lunch. What am I going to do to kill 3hrs. Nobody is in at work today ... damn compressed work week. So I might just talk to myself all afternoon.

I do have some projects on the go. I am MOH in a Wedding this September so I can work on some of my jobs. I have already started a MOH binding ... I know I AM a loser! But I just have so many ideas for the Bridal shower. Different themes, games, favours ... I just like to have them all in one place. Then their is the Bachelorette party. I am trying really hard to figure out how to make a penis pinata. I don't want to fill it with candle though, I just want to make them to hang around the house for the before party get-together. I am so excited. At the Bridal show that I went to there was a booth for Bachelorette party supplies and they work off the internet but are located in my neck of the woods. YA!!

There website it www planetbachelorette com

Much better and cheaper than most adult or novelty stores.

Okay back to the grind...

Friday, January 5, 2007

what did I do to deserve this

So I am going out with my best friend tonight and what happens yesterday - this monstrous pimple appears. It was horrible. By the time I got home it had started to ooze liquid - great maybe it is infected. Well the whole side of my chin and cheek are swollen as well as part of my lip. I have no idea if I should go see a doctor or something because I can't see a pimple causing this kinda discomfort. My husband reassures me that it is normal and that I don't need to see a doctor. How embarrassing and uncomfortable do I feel today - I think I will hibernate away from everyone at work so nobody has to see my new friend.

Why the hell does a 31 year old have to deal with acne. I want to crawl into a hole and not come out until this has gone away. But I can't have to be a good MOH and go to a bridal show with my best friend tonight - great 1000's of people will stare at me in horror. Plus I just found out there will be lots of cute Firemen at the show promoting their Fireman's calendar ... Damn skin!!!!

I sometimes think that my brain doesn't function like normal people : )

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Honestly ... why?

The family drama continues. This year my husbands Zia E decided that Christmas dinner would involve everyone helping out by bringing a dish. Let set this up right. Zia E works for the government but is getting close to retirement. She has 3 kids but they are married and have kids of their own. She and I'm sure her daughter felt that since everyone is older with kids and comes to her house for dinner on Christmas Day - there is something like 30 some people there each time and that isn't including kids. So they decide to ask people to bring something with them to help out with dinner ... oh did that cause the $h*t to hit the fan.

So then we get Zia M saying that she isn't going to make another dish since she slaves to make Christmas Eve dinner and nobody helps her out. Then you have Zia M's son who starts complaining about how much work his mom does and how people should start to help her out. This then gets really carried away with the rest of the family. Now the New Year's Eve dinner is just for the "old" grown-ups and how the Zia E dropped the ball on the Christmas Traditions ... blah, blah, blah. It is become ridiculous. And the person who is making the greatest stink is a dad's construction worker/sometimes college student that is 25yrs old and lives in his parents basement. He has been to several soiree's at our home and my in-laws in which he can't even bring a bottle of wine or something to help out with his free loading.

I make this promise to my future children ... you will not be living in my basement freeloading at the age of 25!