Friday, April 11, 2008

What is it with his family.

Mr. Spaghettibender's dad's bday was on the weekend. He hadn't heard anything from his brothers about celebrating his bday so he called one up and asked what he wanted to do. His brother was all crusty and said he didn't want to do anything since he never does anything for his bday. Mr. Spaghettibender brought up the fact that since his dad and his girlfriend of 10yrs broke up maybe it would be nice to get him out of the house. We thought we could do something at his brothers house since they seem to hate bringing our nephew anywhere during nap time - which is conveniently anytime between 1 and 4pm. But nope they didn't want to do anything at their house. So even though we were having the baby shower the day before, Mr. Spaghettibender was working feverishly on a large essay for school and we wouldn't be able to go buy the stuff until after the shower - we offered up our house.

Since we are tight on cash, and no time to get everything and it is for THEIR dad, Mr. Spaghettibender asked his brother to help out and bring stuff like one person dessert and the other person an appetizer. His brother was pissed. He went on and on about not having us bring stuff over when he has parties - which by the way we always offer to bring things to and have. He then goes on to tell us to make ribs and other BBQ delights as well as to make sure we have beer. WTF! We didn't have any beer in the house and Mr. Spaghettibender informed him that we weren't going to make a special trip to the store to pick up beer for a bday lunch. Again, his brother gets all mad and says he'll pick up some beer and we could pay him back. Are you kidding me!... I swear to gawd he was so lucky I wasn't on the phone with him.

His brothers are so friggin' spoiled. They were never taught to bring things to other people house when they host things... why because one- their mom is rude and two - they are boys and never paid attention to what actually went on when people throw a big get-together.

So in the end Mr. Spaghettibender just told them to show up at noon - we wanted 1pm but because of our nephews nap time we had to move it up. Even though they were the ones that were late by at least 30mins.

I don't know how much longer I can deal with their selfishness.

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