Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day!

So what am I doing to celebrate Earth Day... nothin'. I should have biked to work today. I should have bought local fruits and vegetables. I should have made sure to turn off lights and other unnecessary energy sucking devices. But I did/have done none of the above.

I know, I know - I am a terrible human being. I should know better but I am just so gosh darn lazy today.

Maybe tonight, once I'm home I'll do better.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I'm an organizing geek.

Hi my name is Mrs. Spaghettibender and I am addicted to software programs that can help me get organized.

Yes I am in love with all the software out there that can allow me to organize all my recipes on the computer. Why you may ask so that when we do our monthly calendar I can print off grocery lists instead of writing them all out by hand. I am so excited. My breaks and lunch hours are being taken up by recipe inputting.

Then I heard about another program that helps you organize all your clipped magazine article. You scan in the article and then you can divide them into different areas and have keywords to search them. Aaaahhh!!!!

I swear in my head I see dark clouds part and a beautiful bright blue sky appears.

I have issues I know - I'm working on them = )

Friday, April 11, 2008

What is it with his family.

Mr. Spaghettibender's dad's bday was on the weekend. He hadn't heard anything from his brothers about celebrating his bday so he called one up and asked what he wanted to do. His brother was all crusty and said he didn't want to do anything since he never does anything for his bday. Mr. Spaghettibender brought up the fact that since his dad and his girlfriend of 10yrs broke up maybe it would be nice to get him out of the house. We thought we could do something at his brothers house since they seem to hate bringing our nephew anywhere during nap time - which is conveniently anytime between 1 and 4pm. But nope they didn't want to do anything at their house. So even though we were having the baby shower the day before, Mr. Spaghettibender was working feverishly on a large essay for school and we wouldn't be able to go buy the stuff until after the shower - we offered up our house.

Since we are tight on cash, and no time to get everything and it is for THEIR dad, Mr. Spaghettibender asked his brother to help out and bring stuff like one person dessert and the other person an appetizer. His brother was pissed. He went on and on about not having us bring stuff over when he has parties - which by the way we always offer to bring things to and have. He then goes on to tell us to make ribs and other BBQ delights as well as to make sure we have beer. WTF! We didn't have any beer in the house and Mr. Spaghettibender informed him that we weren't going to make a special trip to the store to pick up beer for a bday lunch. Again, his brother gets all mad and says he'll pick up some beer and we could pay him back. Are you kidding me!... I swear to gawd he was so lucky I wasn't on the phone with him.

His brothers are so friggin' spoiled. They were never taught to bring things to other people house when they host things... why because one- their mom is rude and two - they are boys and never paid attention to what actually went on when people throw a big get-together.

So in the end Mr. Spaghettibender just told them to show up at noon - we wanted 1pm but because of our nephews nap time we had to move it up. Even though they were the ones that were late by at least 30mins.

I don't know how much longer I can deal with their selfishness.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

It's finally over... Baby Shower Results

Well the Baby Shower I have been planning for the last month or so is finally over. Thank Gawd! I feel like it has been occupying all my time for no reason really. I did work really hard on hand made decorations – mainly because I couldn’t find any to match the baby feet theme we were going with.

I also worked hard creating the baby shower Bingo cards and baby animal name game cards. Unfortunately due to the circumstances we only got to play the Bingo game. You see, my cousin’s little bundle of joy decided to get ready for her birth a whole 7wks early. Due to her positioning my cousin was told to stay off her feet and she needed to get steroid injections to help the babies lungs develop in case she was going to be delivered in the next couple of days. We are hoping she hangs in there a bit longer = )

The nice thing was that my cousin came over early so she greeted guests and hung out a bit before we opened presents. We then ate and cut the cake… which was a giant cupcake since that is what my cousin calls her little bun in the oven.
Then she had to leave early for her next steroid injection at the hospital. This baby is not going to be mistaken for a boy, let me tell you - every gift she opened was a pink outfit of some sort. My cousin was eyeing diaper cakes for a centerpiece but since I convinced her to use the cake as a centerpiece instead. Then I went ahead and made one large diaper cake, a mini 2-tier diaper cake and the diaper wreath.

I was amazed at the amount of things I made out of one bag of diapers.

We finished off the event by handing out little tiny pink foot sugar cookies. These things took me f-o-r-e-v-e-r to make. I was so annoyed that I almost through the cookies across the room. But they looked cute and they were homemade so lessons learned.

There are so many people having babies that I might have to use my talents again soon…hopefully not too soon.