Thursday, March 29, 2007

Am I a hater?

So yet again I have started a fight while having a nice dinner hosted by our friends/family. How do I do it you ask - simple I just open my mouth.

Honestly I have the knack to get a seemingly happy couple into an arguing match with hours of being in their home. Last weekend it was me taking a newly engaged couple and having the fiancee give back her ring before we left. Why, why me. Can't I just keep my mouth shut - nope! I have to make a point and I won't stop until it is made. In my defence the fiancee told me the next day that she had drank way too much and was being a drama queen. However, Mr. Spaghettibender doesn't see it that way. He has some nasty comments to make towards my actions that night.

Oh well, you can't win them all. I went of to my best friends recently for dinner with her and her fiance and we didn't end in a ring exchanging ceremony - so good night : )

I have a bridal shower this weekend. I HATE bridal showers. They are always full of a bunch of people I don't know playing games I really don't want to play. But I will suck it up for my friend. She is great, I adore her. I have already purchased my lovely gift from her registry, I went crazy and got towels - woo hoo! I am crazy. Don't worry I will probably spend more on the wrapping then the gift itself. What is the correct amount to spend on a Bridal shower gift? I know at my bridal shower I got gifts that ranged from $20 ... I think Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin was trying to tell me something to $80 registry gifts. I am still stunned that Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin spent only $20 on a pasta maker for me. Okay I'm not stunned but agitated. In his family that is an insult. So now her Wedding is coming up and I am trying to figure out if I will do a re-gift ... that's right I said a re-gift or buy something cheap off her registry. Am I holding a grudge... why yes, yes I am : )

Thankfully the work day is almost over. I am so HAPPYYYY!!! I have tomorrow off and I plan on doing a-b-s-o-l-u-t-e-l-y nothing. We'll see what Mr. Spaghettibender has to say about that.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ah, to be the outsider...

This whole family feud thing is getting annoying. Now it turns out that the upcoming Wedding of Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin to here french Canadian fiancee is causing more family term oil. I'm telling ya - they don't like outsiders. They especially don't like outsider that speak their minds. I can definitely tell from the way Mr. spaghettibenders brother talks to me. They want you to be like them. You know sweet and polite and then talk nasty behind their backs. Well I am pretty up front about my feelings for someone. If I don't like you, I'm not rude to you but I am not going to cross a room to talk to you.

So it turns out that Mr. Spaghettibenders cousin took a stand and decided to NOT invite her own cousins to her Wedding. These are the people that are being unbelievable rude to her fiance. I'm sure there is some truth in the things they are saying but they have decided to blow them out of proportion. I mean if he said that one of the last girl cousins to get married only did so to get away from her parents I would take it as a joke. But no! They got all insulted and said he was insulting the family. Blah, blah, blah. It is getting so ridiculous. These people need to grow up. When I first started dating Mr. Spaghettibender they were saying things about him. What was it again - steroid and drug dealer - ya right he was about 150lbs wet weight and that was only because he was so athletic. Drug dealer - no way too much competition with the hundreds at school. They just want to cut everyone down and for once someone stood up for the only girl they ostracised for saying that their uncle abused at least 7 of the girl cousins. This family is messed up.

I can't wait to go to her Wedding. I am happy as long as she is happy. She might not have treated me as nice as she could have when I entered the family but she was 'rude' to me. So I am not rude back. She is going through a lot personally right now and needs peoples support not battery.

Maybe I should just keep myself completely out of it, after all I am an outsider.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Back to some home reno

We made a list and check it twice... renovation schedule is back on. And yet we are already off schedule.

After working on our schedule and time line from now until June for about an hour, Mr Spaghettibender takes off in another direction. Removing the hideous shag carpeting from our basement stairs. It is the last remanence of the shag from our basement and a bit of a reminder of how far we've come.

And like all jobs - you think will be easy and turn out to take much more time and effort than you thought. We started ripping the carpet off only to find that the disintegrated under padding is sticking to the stairs. Great ... out come the scrapers. Then we realize that all the herds of cows that have come up and down the stairs in the last 40yrs have caused that step to pull away from the "stringer" ... I marvel at my vocabulary... basically the side part of the stairs that the steps get nailed into. So we had to do a little reconstructing after removing the loads of crap that Mr Spaghettibender has stored under the stairs. This was taking us forever.

The end results was some bright orange/red stairs that weren't in the greatest of shapes. So do we take the time to strip the stairs and stain them or do we just paint them. We decide to sleep on it.

Day 2 we run off to Home Depot to look at painting the stairs. I wonder around looking at light fixtures and ceramic tiles... I can sometimes loss myself in Home depot. They have this new cool wood linoleum. It is amazing - honestly it looks 100% better than laminate. I was trying to come up with a place I could try it out but the only thing I came up with was the laundry room. Then there would be way too many floor finishes in the basement - nah! A small can of floor paint can't be tinted - what?! How was the smart guy that came up with that logic? There was no way I was going to buy a gallon of floor paint for the stairs. So thankfully we spoke to a more knowledgeable guy and he said to use a pint of tremclad because it would take the brunt of the stairs. I guess well see. I am still high off the paint fumes. Who paints with oil in the winter - wait - we do!