Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It feels like hump day

Mr. Spaghettibender hasn't heard back from the University on whether or not he got in for this fall. He is starting to get really worried but I am trying to calm him down and reassure him that if he doesn't get in this semester he can start next semester.

I tell ya I am very happy to be an only child. I get very annoyed at the idea that a sibling would decide on who can and can't come to my house for a get together. I have no idea why he doesn't tell his brother off. I want to do it on several occasions. We wanted to have a rather small get together at our house and the next thing you know his brother is telling him to invite so and so ... who's home is it!?! Of coarse Mr. Spaghettibender is polite and won't tell his brother off like I will. So hopefully everything will work out otherwise god knows what will happen with a little alcohol in me = )

Monday, July 9, 2007

Happy 1st Anniversary!!!

It has been 1 year! We made it. People always asked why after many, many, many years we decided to get married. I would have been married earlier if it was up to me - but it wasn't it was up to Mr. Spaghettibender. Since he is a procrastinator he waited and waited and waited until I pretty much told him it was getting ridiculous. So he finally proposed. Yeah!

We had already finished school, got jobs, lived together and bought a house - we couldn't really postpone it much longer unless we wanted to have kids before we got married. Nope he is Italian we are lucky to have gotten a way with living together. So now here we sit at our year anniversary with both of us in our early 30's wondering when do we have kids. Kinda a difficult question with Mr. Spaghettibender unemployeed and preparing to go to University in the fall. he is hoping to get an undergrad degree in arts done in 2 years (going right through summer of course) and then do a teaching degree. So as we sat eating way to much food at dinner last night we decided. No matter what happens with him and school we are going to start trying this time next year.

I can't believe we made a major life decision over baby back ribs. Kinda funny get it 'baby' back ribs. Know lets just hope that mother nature is kind to us and we don't have trouble consievign. I have been off the pill for about 4 months and things are just starting to get normal again. I guess it is a good thing we are giving ourselves time to adjust. I will now start obsessing about the things I need to know before having a little spaghetti bender of my own.

At least I can say that our one year of marriage has actually brought us closer. I think for once Mr. Spaghettibender gets it. He realizes I love him and am willing to make many sacrafices of my own for him to be happy. That seems to have in turn caused him to be much more understanding about me and my ... 'needyness' I believe he calls it.

Right now I am a very happy wife and I love my husband - that is all that matter. God, I'm sappy = )