Thursday, August 21, 2008


So we have finally started to basement bathroom renovations. Like usual we forgot to take a before pic. I really don't know how we always forget to do this.

We have been running around looking for a bathtub but were finding that most of them had a really ugly front skirt/apron. So then we changed our mind and started to look at shower doors for a tiled shower. Only to discover that I wanted one the same size as a bathtub and Mr. Spaghettibender only wanted a corner unit. Back we went to look for bathtubs. Finally as of yesterday we found one without a skirt/apron so we can tile the front or add a wood panel.

Mr. Spaghettibender is all about the tub. He has to sit in them all and finally we agreed on this one.

But we will tile the front like this

then we will have to buy the toilet and pedestal sink. These are the ones we are looking at
I can't wait to see what it is going to look like finished - probably nicer than our upstairs bathroom!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

welcome back

Welcome back Nausea!

I have missed you so. That week of not wanting to hurl every other minute was just so lonely. Now here you are again, coming back with a bang first thing in the morning. I know you don't want me to take my nausea pills but I have to so I can make it through the day.

But don't you worry...

they didn't work last time.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Cat's out of the Bag

Mr. Spaghettibender changed his profile pic on Facebook to our ultrasound and changed his status to "Mr. Spaghettibender doesn't know how this happened". He's so funny. So now everyone will know - well at least people that are friends with both of us.

My anxiety is gone now that I saw the little heart beating. I wasn't all Wow I can't believe I have a baby growing inside of me but I was so happy to know it was alive. Now that people know it is making me feel better and more excited.

I just can't believe we are going to have a baby.


What are we thinking!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I love how Mr. Spaghettibender decided to do things without fully thinking about their time schedule. You see before we have kids he wants to put a couple more coats of varathane on the hard wood floors. So since I am pregnant this means being out of the house for me. So I said he should consider do this August long weekend since we are going camping.

Fast forward to the Tuesday before the long weekend and I ask him if he's doing the floors. He says yes. I ask him when he needs to put down the first coat etc etc. Well this is when I find out he needs to lightly sand the surface of the floor and he wants to stain the scratch marks. Well that must take some time. I remember the stain taking lots of time to dry. So we talk some more and the next day he is going to start clearing out the rooms and area of the floors that need it. When I get home Wednesday night we start talking about the details some more. That is when he realizes that he needs everything from our first floor moved into the basement by the next day.


So he had class Wednesday night and was going to go to home depot to get all the stuff he needed. He finally gets home at like 9:30pm. I try and get him to realize he can't possible move everything by himself. I also make he realize he needs to have the staining done with me out of the house due to the fumes. So I decide to take the next morning off and help him move everything.

What was I thinking??

I haven't done any activity in like 3mths. My poor biceps were trembling. I knew my butt and legs would be sore from going up and down the stairs with all the boxes. Mr. Spaghettibender wanted me to take things easy so he made me take breaks every 30mins. He is so cute.

Luckily we moved everything we ate lunch, I got ready and was at work for after lunch.

That is the day I realized my belly had popped. My jeans were digging into by baby bump - that's right I have a baby bump.

When I got home Mr. Spaghettibender had gotten the stuff done that he wanted. I knew it was going to be a long process.

In the end he finally got a coat of varathane on the floors Friday at 5pm. We have great neighbours who allowed us to sleep at their house that night since they were away. Then the next morning we got up at 6am to put on another coat or varathane while I started to pack the car.

Want to hear something funny. He was finally finished the last coat when one of our cats got up stairs and ran across the floors = O

Thankfully they were still tacky and we were able to salvage the mission. We were however very late in leaving.

Oh well, after all that hard work the floors look great. We are still living in our basement as we aren't allowed to put furniture on them for 72hrs. Which is never correct so I'm giving them another day.