Thursday, May 29, 2008

worst blogger ever

I can't believe it has been over a month since I last blogged. So lets sum things up in bullet form
  • had friends of Mr. spaghettibenders over for dinner since the last time we got together they paid for everything. Problem. The always make other plans besides us. So after spending tons of money of drinks, appetizers and glorious steaks they left shortly after dinner to go out with some other friends. I'm sorry but this is weird.
  • Watch the saddest movie ever - P.S. I love you. I started crying at the very beginning and didn't stop through the whole movie. I couldn't even contain myself after the movie was over. My eyes were swollen shut the next day. Does that ever happen to you
  • I have another godchild. My cousin was finally induced on her own bday and Cupcake was born the next day. She weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 5oz. I really hope I don't give birth to any baby that size. But she's really cute and her size make me less afraid of holding her.
  • We are trying to finish off the renovation of our kitchen... very slow process. We installed another 9inches of insulation in our attic and we installed sod in our backyard.

That is pretty much what is going on in our lives. Mr. Spaghettibender has class every night of the week. So that leaves me at home without a car. Oh well gives me time to workout and watch tv - although that is becoming more a chore with the seasons being over. = (

Hopefully I'll have more to say to the great abyss next time.